History a story or record of important events that happened to a person or a nation, usually with an explanation of cause and effects
Individual Past made up of the major events and experiences in your life that shape you and your memories examples could include things like childhood photos, a diary, home videos, etc.
Collective Past the history of a group of people examples could include things like written history, museums, artifacts, archival material, etc.
Artifact actual items from the past examples could include things such as old weapons, tools, furniture, clothing, etc. These things are often found in museums
Archival Material found at the rooms in St. John’s and includes written documents, recordings, pictures,etc.
Primary Source first-hand account made at the time an event occurred examples are pictures, artifacts, letters, etc.
Secondary Source examples are books, encyclopedias, verified online sources, etc. an interpretation of an event based on information gathered from primary sources