People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. ~ Earl Nightingale
The Grundy Center School’s “community” will ________ its individuals with the ________, skills, and ________ to become responsible, productive and _______ citizens.
We envision our school where: All work cooperatively, treat others with dignity and find joy in their life within the school. All have a shared sense of responsibility towards creating a safe, trusting environment. All staff, students, and community work cooperatively together to achieve the school’s mission and goals. Communication, both internally and externally, is open and active toward continuously finding ways to help all students learn. Curriculum content is of high quality and connected. Problem solving and decision-making is based on theory, research, and or data and focuses on solutions. Technology is used to enhance and advance learning and for students and staff to use and manage information.
Learner Performance Goals / Essential Learnings
1. Can effectively read; write; and solve mathematical problems. 2. Has the ability to transfer prior facts, resources, and strategies into new learning. 3. Knows how to access, interpret, and apply information.
1. Can define the task verbally 2. Can define short term and long term goals 3. Analyzes goal achievement on a regular basis 4. Locates information; investigates alternatives, and selects appropriate procedures 5. Is able to work independently and /or collaboratively 6. Seeks help when needed 7. Follows directions 8. Creates a product which reflects a quality model 9. Is persistent
1. Develops and honors ground rules a. uses agree/disagree language b. everyone has an opportunity to participate 2. Understands and practices individual roles with group a. leader b. facilitator c. recorder d. time keeper e. member 3. Encourages each other to share ideas and feelings which move the group toward attaining common goals. 4. Is willing to compromise as necessary. 5. Follows through with commitment to the group and supports group consensus.
1. Is morally accountable for actions (respectful, thoughtful dependable, honest, cooperative, etc.). 2. Shows concern and compassion 3. Is involved in ways to improve our community 4. Understands and respects individual differences.
1. Tries extra-curricular activities. 2. Asks clarifying questions. 3. Demonstrates creativity by combining information and ideas in new ways. 4. Assesses other viewpoints and /or alternatives. 5. Locates information; investigates to meet the parameters (measurable factors, range of variations) of the situation.
1. Demonstrates the ability to listen, read, speak, and write effectively. 2. Is capable of expressing and interpreting/understanding all forms of communication, both verbal and non-verbal to all audiences and for all purposes.
1. Identifies relevant parts of the problem. 2. Gathers information from appropriate sources. 3. Generates a variety of options. 4. Applies strategies to make decisions.
Critical Questions of Learning Communities
What is it we want all students to know and be able to do when they leave our classroom?
How will we enable all students to learn?
How will we know if students have learned it?
What will we do to intervene when students struggle or excel?
Does it have endurance, leverage, and is it essential?
What’s next?
Who could you work with in a group of 3-7 to best use the four Critical Questions as guiding principles for your work for this year and beyond?
21 st Century Skills and Best Practice Where does your group fit under this umbrella?