Bibliography by Scott MacIver
Ocelot Leopardus Paradalis Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae Genus: Leopardus Species: L. pardalis.AnimaliaChordataMammaliaCarnivoraFelidaeLeopardus Is a member of the Leopard Family.
Location: South and Central America and Mexico. The cat has been reported seen as far as Texas and Trinidad. Caribbean and South of Arizona have had some rare sightings of the cat.
Ocelots only inhabit areas with relatively dense vegetation cover, although they may occasionally hunt in more open areas at night. They are found in tropical forest, thorn forest, mangrove swamps and savanna.
The ocelot ranges from 68 to 100 centimetres (27 to 39 in) in length, plus 26 to 45 centimetres.
The Moche kept cats as idols and some actors back in the 60’s kept as house pets.
Rodents Small Monkeys Fish Frogs Lizards Birds
The Ocelot doesn’t have many enemies, it likes to bother other animals and try its luck to take down its prey, you could say the ocelot is a bit of a bully.
Ocelots breed maybe one kitten a year. The Female usually breeds shortly after losing a litter.
The ocelot is a lone animal, it chooses not to be with a pack. The ocelot likes to hunt alone.
Ocelot is no longer listed under the ICUN Red list as of it is now labled as least concerned.
A little over 200 in the entire world.
There are no more efforts to helping the Ocelot cat in there present state.
Where are the Ocelot’s usually located? Are they still Endangered? How many babies does a female usually birth? Do they Hunt alone? Is the Ocelot a member of the Leopard family? Or the Lion family?
ocelot. ocelot
What’s the Diet of the Ocelot? How many kittens does a female ocelot reguarly have year? What is the natrual habitat of an ocelot? Does the ocelot hunt alone? Where is the ocelot usually found?