First test scores for two students: Ernie: 80, 81, 83, 79, 82 Bert: 100, 68, 82, 94, 61 Center + Variation = More than most Americans understand
From “Headlines From A Mathematically Literate World ( Our World: Local Heat Wave Seen as Sign of Global Warming Mathematically Literate World: Local Heat Wave Not Seen as Meaningful Indicator of Global Trends Our World: Psychologists Tout Surprising New Findings Mathematically Literate World: Psychologists Promise to Replicate Surprising New Findings Before Touting Them Our World: Unemployment Rate Jumps from 7.6% to 7.8% Mathematically Literate World: Unemployment Rate Probably a Little Under 8%; Maybe Rising, or Not, Can’t Really Tell
The takeaway about sample standard deviation “s” Only meaningful when paired with an average Average distance between average and sample data When s is “big” – data is highly varied (scattered) When s is “small” – data is highly consistent (clumped)