Hola Spanish Restaurant Meson Espanol Hola Name : Kang Chin Hsiang Number : 499m0905 Teacher : Jamie
Catalog Basic File History The Well-known Spanish Dishes The Wonderful Dining Environment Information Source
Basic File Address : No.578 Heti Rd. San Ming Dist. Kaohsing Tel : Fox : Open hours : 11:30 ~ 22:00 (Weds. close)
History Hola Spanish Restaurant built in June, 1999 by Angel & Elena ! COME BUENA CARNE, BEBE VINO AÑEJO, Y TE RELUCIRA EL PELLEJO 吃好肉、喝陳年好酒,讓您的毛髮發亮
The Well-known Spanish Dishes Soups Castellano soup Andalucia cold cream soup Cream calabash toppling with cheese
The Well-known Spanish Dishes Cold Appetizers Homemade terrine of foie gras Spanish black olive and gherkia Chef’s special salad with seafood Homemade Mediterranean dill marinated salmon
The Well-known Spanish Dishes Hot Starters Spanish tripe speciality Fried shrimps with garlie, white wine and olive oil Creps stuffed with seafood accompanied with spinach sauce Baby cuttlefish stewed in black sauce
The Well-known Spanish Dishes Meat Roasted lamb ribs with thyme honey accompanied with roasted potatoes Prime beef steak grilled on raw salt plate Segovian style roasted piglet served with roasted potatoes
The Well-known Spanish Dishes Fish Grouper accompanied with pisto and black olive sauce Canadian halibut basque green sauce
The Well-known Spanish Dishes Rice and Pasta Paella : traditional Spanish seafood rice Rice with cuttlefish,clams and red peppers in black sauce Fish and seafood pasta
The Well-known Spanish Dishes Drinks Sangria
The Well-known Spanish Dishes Dessert Fried milk Caramal custard Crema caralana Crepe flambed with rum and filled with apple cream Cheese cake with blueberry sauce
The Wonderful Dining Environment Can choose a table by the window Can be reservation
Waitress wearing a simple flamenco style uniforms The Wonderful Dining Environment
The traditional art of Spain There are many lovely little decorated
The Wonderful Dining Environment
Flamenco shoes Painted plate Fireplace
The Wonderful Dining Environment
Information Source 歐啦西班牙料理餐廳官網 ( 翻成英文 ) 網路影音報導 ( 翻成英文 )
Thank you for listening ! Enthusiastic boss welcome to our visit
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