RLDC::Brain Generation ::Heart Sub-Transmission:: Sub Arteries Transmission:: Main Arteries Distribution: Capillaries POWER SYSTEM::HUMAN BODY
HEARTGENERATION 72 Beats/Minutes50 Cycles/Seconds Stress/Anxiety Heart Beat Deviation Load-Gen.-Mismatch Frequency Deviation
BRAINLOAD DESPATCH CENTRE Controls the Body Function and keeps the critical parameters like temp, BP, Sugar level etc within limits Controls the Power System and keeps critical parameters like Voltage, frequency, MW, MVAR etc within limits Uses sensors like Eyes Ears, Skin, Tongue, Nose for data collection Uses Sensors like Transducers, Relays, RTUs etc. for data collection Uses Nervous system for communication Uses PLCC, Fibre Optics, Microwave for communication
MAIN ARTERIESTRANSMISSION Pumps blood from Heart to the Sub- Arteries throughout the Body Transfers Power from Generation to Sub- transmission throughout the Country
SUB- ARTERIES SUB- TRANSMISSION Deliver Blood from Main Arteries to each and every Body Part Deliver Power from Bulk Transmission points to every part of the Grid.
CAPILLARIESDISTRIBUTION Actual extraction of oxygen from blood takes place Actual consumption of electricity occurs
Regional Grids of India Total Capacity = 108,820 MW
Inter Regional Links Present IR Capacity = 8,500 MW By the year 2012 = 30,000 MW 500 MW 1200 MW 1000MW 2000MW 500 MW
RTU SUB LDC SLDC ERLDC WRLDCNRLDCSRLDCNERLDC NLDC 32 Nos. 51 Nos Nos. Unified Grid Operation 5 Nos. National Level Regional Level State HQ Level Group / Distt Level Plant / Sub- Station Level
Functions Of RLDC Apex Body For Integrated Grid Operation Responsible for Optimum Scheduling and Dispatch of Electricity Keep Accounts Of Electricity Transmitted Through Grid Supervise and Control The Inter – State Transmission System Ensure Security and Economy In Operation as per the Grid Standards and the Grid Code
Establishment of Modern RLDCs Has Resulted Into: Considerable Betterment of System Parameters viz., Frequency & Voltage in spite of Minimal Generation AdditionBetterment of System Parameters Minimal Generation Addition Merit Order Operation, Leading to Overall Economy Merit Order State-of-the-art technology in grid operation by introduction of ULD & C Schemes. Introduction of ABT (Availability Based Tariff), linked to frequency variationABT (Availability Based Tariff), Transparency in grid operation Quantum leap in intra and Inter Regional Power Exchange and TradingInter Regional Power Exchange and Trading Infused Grid Discipline
POWERGRID’s Diversification into Telecom
To utilize spare capacity of ULDC schemes and maximize return on its transmission infrastructure, POWERGRID decided to diversify into Telecom Through an incremental investment Telecom networks on Transmission Infrastructure Sturdy & secure Rodent menace free Vandalism proof POWERGRID’s Diversification into Telecom
Only utility in the country providing overhead fibre optic cable for telecom networks DWDM/SDH equipment deployed Scalable to Terabit Capacity Obtained IP-II license in Jan 2001 and ISP Category-A license in May 2003 POWERGRID’s Diversification into Telecom
All India Fibre Optic Network of 20,000 kms, spread over 60 cities including all Metros & major cities Links under commercial operation Delhi-Lucknow -Mumbai Delhi-Ambala-Chandigarh-Shimla-Jallandar-Jammu Delhi- Jaipur Ahmedabad-Mumbai-Pune Mumbai-Hyderabad-Bangalore-Cochin Within NER Maintaining availability of 100% on overhead OFC network POWERGRID’s Broadband Network
Complete network to be in place by 2004 ChennaiJune, 2004 Allahabad, Kanpur, Agra June, 2004 Kolkatta, NER June, 2004 Trivandrum Sept, 2004 POWERGRID’s Broadband Network
Legend: Links under operation Links under Implementation NEW DELHI Lucknow KOLKATA MUMBAI HYDERABAD CHENNAI BANGALORE Ahmedabad Bhilai Kanpur Allahabad Chandigarh Shimla Jaipur Vijayawada Vishakapatnam Pune Madurai Trichy Agra Jammu Patna Nagpur Bhopal Cochin Trivandrum Agartala Shillong Imphal Kohima Guwahat i Bhubaneswar Meerut Siliguri Link to Bhutan Durgapur Srinagar Bhuj Itanagar Aizwal Jaisalmer Jamnagar Telecom Backbone Network
Overhead Fibre Optic Cable Installation ACSR STRANDS ALUMINIUM TUBE FIBRE OPGW
Customer Base NIC(GOI) ERNET(GOI) STPI(GOI) ESTEL(ISP) Fidelity (Call Centre) GLIDE(ISP) Bharti infotel (NLD) Bharti Cellular Airtel VSNL, (ILD/NLD) Data Access, (ILD) Daksh, (Call Centre) Convergy’s,(Call Centre) Spectranet (ISP) HCL Infinet (ISP) ExattNet(ISP) Hutchission Essar (Cellular)
Thank You
Prior To ABT & RLDC Administration After ABT & RLDC Administration
ULD & C PROJECT: OBJECTIVES To have To have Greater and deeper visibility of the power system under control Greater and deeper visibility of the power system under control Better communication and co-ordination between control centers Better communication and co-ordination between control centers Effective management of grid parameters viz. frequency, voltage etc. and better grid security through various SCADA/EMS features resulting in better Effective management of grid parameters viz. frequency, voltage etc. and better grid security through various SCADA/EMS features resulting in better Operations scheduling Operations monitoring and control Power system analysis A real time environment for dispatcher training A real time environment for dispatcher training
AVAILABILITY BASED TARIFF (A)CAPACITY CHARGE (B)ENERGY CHARGE (C)ADJUSTMENT FOR DEVIATIONS (U I CHARGE) Where (A) = a function of the Ex-Bus MW availability of Power Plant for the day declared before the day starts x SEB’s % share (B) = MWh for the day as per Ex-Bus drawal schedule for the SEB finalised before the day starts x Energy charge rate (C) = Σ (Actual energy interchange in a 15 minute time block – scheduled energy interchange for the time block) x UI rate for the time block TOTAL PAYMENT FOR THE DAY = (A) + (B) ± (C)