1 Reading Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Protection (ACCCP) Reading Climate Action Plan Update Report to the Reading Board of Selectman October 6 th, 2009
2 Mission The Advisory Committee on the Cities for Climate Protection Program is an official town advisory committee, comprised of concerned citizen volunteers seeking to achieve environmental, economic and societal sustainability by raising public awareness and influencing the community, including its government, to reduce energy use and foster environmental stewardship in a cost effective manner.
3 Goals 1.Minimize Reading’s contribution to climate change by reducing our green house gas emissions. 2.Reduce Reading’s dependence on fossil fuel by promoting energy conservation and efficiency, renewable energy purchase and generation and alternate modes of transportation. 3.Ensure the longevity of our local and global ecosystem by fostering responsible stewardship. 4.Enhance public health by improving air quality and protecting the earth’s natural resources.
4 Methods Educate and our citizenry… Implement the 5-milestone program of ICLEI’s Cities for Climate Protection Program… Look for grant opportunities… Partner with local business… Influence the town’s bylaws, policies and codes, … master plan… Encourage state and federal officials… Foster discussions on climate change… Reach out to neighboring communities…
5 1. Conduct a Green House Gas Emissions Inventory 292,000 tons CO2 56% Transportation 2. Set an Emission Reduction Target 10% Reduction of 2000 levels by Develop a Local Action Plan: Complete Feb Implement the Local Action Plan 5. Monitor Progress and Report Results CCP Program Milestones
6 Modes of Transportation Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Energy & Buildings Lawns, Trees and Water Conservation Education & Outreach Awards and Recognition Action Plan Groupings
7 Community No-Idling Builds on the Municipal and School-wide No Idling Campaign Survey town to determine best location for signage Mandated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
8 Residential Energy Efficiency HEET - Cambridge Based, Grant Funded, Barnraising Model to reduce carbon footprint through energy efficiency The Arc of East Middlesex - Provides services for persons with intellectual disabilities - Hopkins Street Property RCTV Show
9 Residential Energy Efficiency & Community Renewable Energy RMLD Has Hired an Energy Efficiency Engineer: Jared Carpenter
10 Residential Energy Efficiency Kill-a-Watt Kits Related Books
11 Sustainability Workshop Seeks local solutions to climate and energy issues through regional collaboration October 21 st, 2009 Partnering with Wakefield Climate Action Network Melrose, Lynnfield, Wilmington, Woburn, North Andover, North Reading, Stoneham, District 350.org Planetary Climate Action Day
12 Questions?