Catholic Reformation
Counter Reformation Protestants were gaining many followers Millions stayed loyal to Catholicism Movement to keep followers Reform within the church
Ignatius of Loyola Leader of the movement Spain War injury helped him find Jesus 1522 Spiritual Exercise Day-by-day plan of meditation, prayer and study “Just as walking, traveling, and running are bodily exercises, preparing the soul to remove ill- ordered affections, and after their removal seeking and finding the will of God with respect to the ordering of one’s own life and the salvation of one’s soul, are Spiritual Exercises.”
Jesuits Pope created a religious order Society of Jesus Members known as Jesuits Focused on three activities Founded excellent schools Convert non-Christians to Catholicism Missionaries Stop the spread of Protestantism
Pope Paul III Took leadership roles in the reformation 1. Directed a council of cardinals to investigate indulgences 2. Approved the Jesuit order 3. Used inquisition to seek out heresy 4. Called a council of church leaders to discuss doctrines
Council of Trent Churches interpretation of the Bible was final 2. Christians need faith AND good works for salvation 1. Luther argued faith alone would save you 3. Bible and church tradition were equally powerful authorities 4. Indulgences were valid expressions, BUT not selling false indulgences
Pope Paul IV Vigorously carried out the councils doctrines Index of Forbidden books Considered dangerous to the Catholic Faith Many burned Protestant Bibles
Religious and Social Legacies Left Europe culturally divided Protestant churches and denominations developed Roman Catholic Church became more unified Emphasis on the role of education School parishes and Universities Women remained limited in society and the church
Political Effects of the Reformation Catholic church moral and political authority declined Individual monarchs and states gained power Development of modern nation-states Laid the groundwork for the enlightenment