Our company will do the design and installation We specialize in lawn care, sprinklers, paving stones, flowers, trees and retaining walls.
New residential areas being developed in Saskatoon Upper middle and high income families Commercial properties in the North Industrial area of Saskatoon. Park revitalization and new parks in new areas of the city
One on one exchange to show you we care about what you want. We can build the dream for you. Professionalism Quality Professionalism
Revenue200,000235,750265,808313,321353,270 Expenses147,662154,134157,884166,060229,992 Income45,53471,00693,894128,117107,251
NPV - $699,965 Equity Investment - $70,000 At 12.5% Return on Equity 0 Debt Financing IRR – 133.3%
Owner 20 years experience in developing backyards. 15 years growing own flowers. 10 years installing sprinklers Horticulturalist available with 20 years experience with the largest green house company in Winnipeg.
Vision Landscape & Design Allan’s Landscaping Green Acres Design & Landscaping Lakeshore Garden Centre
Low pricing due to low overhead One on one is very important to our company Interest in what the clients wants. Key contacts with different housing and construction companies.