Cameron H, James H, and Chase R-W Biomass
Biomass is… A form of living energy, such as Wheat Corn Crops Wood Etc It is a renewable resource that uses photosynthesis to create energy. It is a good idea to use this source because it can be used over and over. It uses carbon dioxide to create electricity so that it can power the source.
Advantages Biomass is a material made from living or recently living organisms. It can be used directly by combustion to produce heat. It is better than fossil fuel because it produces fresh air pollution. Black carbon is a pollutant that is caused by fossil fuels. It does not increase the amount of carbon in the air.
Disadvantages It is very costly. It also takes away trees that we want to use for other things. There have also been inefficiencies of conversion when using biomass as fuel. It also is not as efficient as fossil fuels. It also increases the amount if methane gases in the air which are harmful to our ozone layer. Lastly it needs more space because of the combustion process. Therefore they would be far away from residential areas.