Country Group Update 2010 Wales Steve Jackson, WAG © Stuart Smith/CCW
© Stewart Campbell/CCW
THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT FRAMEWORK The Living Wales consultation is now taking place enabling the public to feed their ideas directly into the work streams which are delivering the new framework. The objective is to secure sustainable and integrated management of land and water by making the long-term health of ecosystems, and the services they provide, central to decision making and, by doing this, to ensure Wales’ natural and cultural capital assets are maintained and enhanced. The following work streams are available to be joined by those with an interest in the topic areas: developing a stronger evidence base for our ecosystems so that we have a better basis for decisions that fully reflect risks, opportunities and limits; ensuring that our dependence on the natural environment and the value of ecosystems, and their services, are fully reflected in the decisions that we make as government and society; developing Geographical Information Systems with which to share data and information; updating our regulatory and management approaches to deliver the new approach; redesigning our partnership mechanisms around the new approach. We would welcome membership of any Living Wales work streams, where appropriate.
THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT FRAMEWORK CONSULTATION Consultation link: In addition: We now have a communications pack for Living Wales and are able to provide workshops for stakeholders: contact Andy Schofield ( to arrange a workshop or find out how you can use the pack. We are just about to produce a questionnaire about the effectiveness of the current regulatory framework: contact Jennifer Dack to be added to the mailing list to receive the We have a prototype GIS portal available on the website and are able to provide workshops to discuss how this and similar tools might be used: contact Colin Chapman ( to arrange. A set of new questions have been placed on the discussion fora and we are keen to receive responses from people and businesses in Wales: people can to post messages at: /
Groups- all set up and meet 2 or 3 times a year. Each has representation across the range of Welsh organisations and a contact for LBAPs and academics Ecosystem Groups – working on prioritising actions, incorporating species needs and identifying major policy blockages. Actions agreed for selected habitats through consultation Species Expert Group – information on species needs to ESG, targets set for some species. Identifying Lead Partners. Identifying major policy blockages Progress with the BAP process
© Peter Jones/CCW
Policy Group- met 5 times, producing Checklists on Biodiversity Duty and workshop packs, looking at the priority policy issues identified by other groups and determining actions required to unblock progress Support Groups- Information, Invasive Non Native Species, Business and Biodiversity, Outcome 21 (favourable condition for designated sites) Progress with the BAP process
© Jan Sherry/CCW
Protocols for communication- all Groups have space on the WBP website and a set of protocols for establishing and maintaining maximum communication between the relevant parts has been drafted. BARS remains central to delivery and reporting The Groups have been recognised as official consultees on WAG policy initiatives that impact on Biodiversity The Framework has been updated to reflect the new structures Next Steps and Initiatives
© Davey Martin Strengthening the the Ecosystem approach- Natural Environment Framework launched Facilitating BAP action- funds allocated to all ecosystem groups Blockage to BAP action- not enough lichenologists Policy Group Solution – lichen apprentice scheme
ECOSYSTEMS & WELL-BEING COURSE A course titled ‘Reducing Risks – Ecosystems and Well Being in the UK’ will be run at Plas Tan y Bwlch between 7-9 February It will examine the importance of ecosystems and the goods and services they provide to the economy and society, including support for our health and well-being; and to provide an overview of related policies and plans. The course administration is organised by Plas Tan y Bwlch To book tel Website for further