Amendment Proposal to Doc 9868 – PANS - Training Informal Briefing to the ANC 16 May 2014
Outline Purpose NGAP ATM Group Why a new structure Existing Structure Proposed structure Timeline Q&A HENRY
Outcome of first NGAP Symposium – March 2010 Develop regulatory frameworks that enable and support the use of modern training and learning technologies and that are not an obstacle to industry best practices; and Define competencies for all aviation activities affecting safety in order to facilitate the free-flow of professionals through internationally agreed upon standards and assessment practices. First step, ATM Personnel NICOLE NGAP roundtable meeting in 2009 where the task force was created. First NGAP Symposium conducted in March 2010. In the report, several outcomes of the symposium can be found including: Develop regulatory frameworks that enable and support the use of modern training and learning technologies and that are not an obstacle to industry best practices; and Define competencies for all aviation activities affecting safety (including ATM personnel) in order to facilitate the free-flow of professionals through internationally agreed upon standards and assessment practices. The first step was developing competency frameworks for Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs) and Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEPs) was identified, to support the progressive implementation of competency-based training practices for ATM professionals. It is considered that the adoption of competency-based approaches for ATM professionals will benefit the industry because it will simultaneously encourage standardized performance on the job and provide flexibility in how to achieve this goal.
Guiding Principles of NGAP ATM Work on ATCO and ATSEP Provisions Generic: Applicable in all contexts Flexible: Adaptable to all contexts Usable by all stakeholders NICOLE The big challenge for both disciplines was to develop a framework that would stick to the essence and fundamentals of the work of ATCOs and ATSEPs WITHOUT entering into the variety of specialities and conditions of exercise of professional competencies. The focus was also put on the requirement for ANSPs, Training centers and authorities to ask themselves the right questions in elaborating a training and assesment program corresponding to their specific context.
ICAO NGAP ATM Group Membership Representatives from ANC, CANSO, Eurocontrol, IFATCA, IFATSEA, ANSPs, Training Providers, Regulators NICOLE
NGAP ATM Work Group Chronology of Development of PANS-Training Proposal March 2010: work group established (Originally ATCO only) June 2010: work initiated (ATCO and ATSEP) November 2010: change in chairmanship February 2011: NGAP ATM meeting in ICAO HQ Virtual meetings throughout 2011, 2012 Working papers presented to ANConf/12 and HLSC/10 Virtual and F2F meetings in 2013 to finalize PANS-Training proposal Ongoing development of training manuals in 2014 NICOLE Originally chaired by Mr. Andrew Beadle, IFATCA representative to the ANC. Established at the NGAP Task Force Meeting on 5 March 2010, a sub-group was set up to “complete the development of competencies for air traffic controllers.” This working paper provides an update on activities and the opportunity to comment on the draft task description (level of detail, proposed deliverables, etc) and the draft work plan contained within this working paper.
Restructuring PANS-Training: why? Some existing provisions apply to all aviation functions including ATM personnel. To accommodate proposed three new chapters related to ATM personnel To accommodate future inclusion of existing competency frameworks and those under development. HENRY Some of the provisions already included in the PANS-TRG are of a generic nature and can apply to all aviation functions including ATM personnel. The proposed procedures for ATM personnel consist of three new chapters in the PANS-TRG document. In addition, several competency frameworks with associated guidance have been developed for other aviation functions, such as flight validation pilots, flight procedure designers, designated medical examiners, State employees involved in the transport of dangerous goods by air and cabin crew. To accommodate these new chapters as well as the future work in the PANS-TRG, it is necessary to restructure the document in several parts.
Existing PANS-Training Structure Chapter Number Chapter Title Foreword 1 Definitions and Acronyms 2 General Provisions for competency-based training and assessment 3 Competency-based training and licensing for the MPL 4 Competency-based training and assessment for aircraft maintenance personnel 5 Evidence-based training 6 Competencies for flight crew training course developers and instructors, and MPL examiners and inspectors 7 Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (applicable November 2014) HENRY
Proposed PANS-Training structure Part Number Part Title 1 General Procedures 2 Training and Assessment for Aircraft Operational Personnel 3 Training and Assessment for Aircraft Maintenance Personnel 4 Training and Assessment for Air Traffic Management Personnel 5* Training and Assessment for Aerodrome Personnel 6* Training and Assessment for Other Aviation Personnel HANG LIN * Eventually * = Potential Future Work
Part 1 – General Procedures Foreword, substantially edited Definitions and acronyms General provisions for competency-based training and assessment. Competencies for instructors and course developers Competencies for inspectors* HANG LIN In this part we would have a new foreword that would require potentially substantial editing. Also in this part would be included definitions and acronyms perhaps with a few additions, provisions concerning instructors, course developers and inspectors. General provisions for competency-based training and assessment which are applicable to the whole range of aviation personnel.
Part 2 – Training and Assessment for Aircraft Operational Personnel Flight Crew Training and Assessment MPL MPL Examiner and Inspectors Qualifications EBT UPRT Other flight crew members (other pilot licenses including RPL, etc )* Flight Validation Pilots** Cabin Crew ** Flight Dispatchers/Flight Operations Officers* HENRY Aircraft operational personnel = personnel involved in aircraft operations * = Potential Future Work ** = Existing competency framework in other ICAO guidance material
Part 3 – Training and Assessment for Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Existing Chapter 4 HANG Lin
Part 4 – Training and Assessment for Air Traffic Management (ATM)Personnel General provisions for ATM Personnel Competency-based training and assessment for ATCOs Competency-based training and assessment for ATSEPs NICOLE This part is all new material covered in 3 chapters that will address: General provisions CBT for ATCOs and ATSEPs
Part 5 – Training and Assessment for Aerodrome Personnel* * = Potential Future Work NICOLE
Part 6 – Training and Assessment for Other Aviation Personnel* DG personnel** Flight Procedure Designers** Designated Medical Examiners** NICOLE Competency-based training and assessment for DG personnel * All that may be needed is a note with a cross-reference to the Tis and the supplement Competency-based training and assessment for Flight Procedure Designers Competency-based training and assessment for DMEs * All that may be needed is a note with a cross-reference to the Aviation Medicine Manual Competency-based training and assessment for AIM Personnel *Cross reference to AIM manual Competency-based training and assessment for SMS/SSP Managers
Timeline ANC preliminary review – 17 June 2014 State Letter – September 2014 ATCO and ATSEP Training Manuals – By final review ANC final review – 198th Session Applicability Date: November 2016 HENRY This timeline is for the proposal to restructure the PANS-training document and the inclusion of competency-related provisions for ATM personnel.