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McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,All Rights Reserved. 肆 資料分析與表達.
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Presentation transcript:

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 1 Confidentiality This document contains information that is proprietary to Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC or the Company). It discusses trade and business secrets of the Company and is intended for use only by the party to whom it is transmitted by employees or agents of the Company. It may not be reproduced in whole or in part or used for any other purpose, nor may any of its contents be disclosed without prior written consent of the Company. Acceptance of this document constitutes agreement with the above terms, and the recipient hereof agrees to return it to the Company upon request. 飛機結構工程師 簡介 漢翔公司 工程師 陳賢章  96 年 12 月 7 日星期五

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 2 Background  子曰:『吾十有五而志於學,三十而 立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六 十而耳順,七十而從心所欲,不逾矩』  職業是人生的面相及生活方式  各行各業是提供不同的人生選擇  職業創造個性  工程師是職業,也是一種生活方式

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 3 AT3 教練機

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 4 經國號戰機

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 5 Boeing 717 Aircraft

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 6 Sikorsky S92 Helicopter

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 7 Bombardier CL300 Aircraft

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 8 CL300 Aircraft – AIDC Portion

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 9 CL300 Aircraft – 透視圖

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 10 AIDC Portion – Fuselage & V-Stab

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 11 AIDC Portion – H-Stab

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 12 Finite Element Model

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 13 AIDC Finite Element Model

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 14 飛機工程師  結構設計工程師  結構分析工程師  系統工程師  電氣系統工程師  材料製程工程師  航電系統工程師  飛行科學工程師  工程整合工程師

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 15 飛機結構工程師 學識  航空系所:成大、逢甲、淡大  機械系所  土木系所  應數所固力組:中興

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 16 飛機結構分析工程師 專業背景  語文能力:英文、第二外語  數學:微積分、工程數學  數值分析:有限元素分析 (FEA)  Office Tool : EXCEL (Microsoft)  力學  工程力學  材料力學  結構力學:飛機結構

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 17  提供不同設計階段之結構構型  進行各組件 / 元件結構分析, 主要包含有 :  決定結構尺寸  結構強度分析  勁度分析  屈挫分析  各元件間接合分析  結構輕量化考量 (Weight Reduction)  暇疵零組件評估分析 飛機結構分析工程師 工作內容

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 18 工程師 工作態度  堅持專業立場  培養抗壓性  溝通協調  對事不對人

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 19 個人建議  培養樂觀進取的生活態度  尋找舒緩壓力的正確方式  保護自己  愛護家人  樂於助人

AIDC The documentation has been prepared by AIDC for discussion purposes only. Use of disclosure of data is subjected to the restriction on the title page. 20 Q & A Q & A Thank You for Your Attendance Thank You for Your Attendance ENDING