11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June The Aura Validation Data Center Bojan R. Bojkov
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June What is the AVDC? AVDC established to support the validation of Aura HIRDLS, MLS, OMI and TES Archive for datasets used for the validation Groundbased network data Aircraft missions and large balloon campaigns Other satellite datasets Aura instrument data in support of validation Station overpass and geographical subsetting Instrument FOVs: collocation tools and 17-day predictions Support validation field deployments/missions AVEs, INTEX A/B, UAVs SAUNA, WAVES campaigns
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Aura instrument/product teams Close coordination with the NDACC Collaborative effort in data homogenization Access to preliminary data in NRT Coordination with measurement networks Provide of sonde launch schedules (Aura OVP) NRT availability of preliminary data (MSC, NOAA-CMDL) Satellite teams ACE mission - dataset availability and field campaign coordination NOAA - NRT data release for validation Envisat data exchange through OMI AO
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Access guided by data exchange protocol NASA Research Announcement PIs Aura instrument Science Team members OMI Announcement of Opportunity (AO) PIs Special arrangements: NDACC - Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (former NDSC) Specific PIs: MSC, station PIs, etc. Satellite teams: NOAA, ACE, OSIRIS
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Central facility at NASA GSFC Five 2-CPU Xserve cluster, ~10TB storage capability Combination of relational database and flat file tree Correlative data requirements Follow rigid metadata and nomenclature requirements Compliance check on all incoming files (format, metadata and nomenclature) Maintains backward compatibility with Envisat Cal/Val Follow NDACC instrument data reporting protocols
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Operational since February, 2005 Supporting Aura Validation Experiments since October 2004 Full system failure March 30, 2006 … back online April 6 ~230 registered users Europe, Asia and North America NRAs, ESA OMI AO, and NDACC PIs, validation contributors Statistics: 2.9+ TB total, 300+ GB of validation data ~1,000,000 web hits (~1,800/day) 200+GB web transfers
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Aura datasets Instrument subsets (stations, geographic) Exclusive access point to provisional Aura data for ex. HIRDLS later this month Experimental products for example OMI L3, early TES v4 in IDL safe format Validation data: NASA aircraft/balloon mission data (AVE, INTEX, etc.) NRA (and OMI-AO?) data Satellite data: ACE/MAESTRO, SBUV/2, Odin… planning Calipso and CloudSat as identified during ST Groundbased network data: NDACC, CMDL, MSC, …
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Groundbased data (from Aug. ‘04) 6,000+ MWR O 3 profiles 700+ MWR water vapor profiles 6,000+ Brewer days (MSC) ~1,000+ NDACC LIDAR O 3 profiles ~1,000+ ozonesondes from 36 stations (~2,000 add. shortly) ~100 water vapor sondes and growing…
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Fully searchable archive Archived validation data and Aura datasets Aura instrument data subsetting Station OVPs, regional subsets, aircraft tracks, etc. Aura instrument FOVs 17-day FOV predictions Actual instrument FOV coincidences Data conversion tools (read/write), data formulation, search and web automatization tools Web portal for validation News, meeting proceedings, documentation, etc.
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June LIDAR search example
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June FOV predictions
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Location Date OMI coincidence with De Bilt
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June OMI coincidence with De Bilt 5 coincidences
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June OMI specific support Distribution of: Limited L1b (preliminary - soon…) L2 station OVP files L2 distribution (specific days, orbits, …) AVDC stores all OMI L2 data Regional datasets - O3, NO2 AVE flight path coincidences for O3, NO2, aerosols … AVDC manpower for OMI support: ~1FTE
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June OMI overpass data Daily OVP updates for: 511 stations for OMTO3 and OMDOAO3 products 164 for OMAERUV 94 for OMUVB 91 for OMNO2 35 for OMBRO, OMHCHO and OMOCLO File contents selected by product PIs Something missing? Product, period, region, specific parameter… …just ask!
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Regional subsetting example OMNO2 trop. column 2005 average US north-east corridor Gridded: 0.1 o o Criteria Cloud fraction < 0.25 Delivery time line Order placed: Fri. June 17:00 Delivered: Sat. June 14:00
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Closing remarks To ensure the success of the AVDC (and to benefit the Aura community as a whole) we need… Good communication, particularly regarding: Product updates and version release schedules Product issues information and validation results Latest readme files Future validation planning Data needs AO validation data
11th OMI Science Team Meeting De Bilt, June Contact information