Farnborough Airspace Change Proposal Briefing to FACC 26 th November 2014 TAG Farnborough Airport
Reminder of the ACP process Summary of the consultation responses How we are reacting to responses What’s next? To cover today
UK CAA CAP 725 process Consultation completed Feedback document A produced “what people told us” Feedback document B being developed “developing our final proposal based upon what people told us” All consultation activities and design outputs are being developed in accordance with CAA and Government processes and guidelines Reminder of the process we are following
The consultation generated over 13,000 comments from more than 2,500 stakeholders In addition, more than 700 documents were submitted in support of responses Responses to the consultation
In broad terms, the areas of concern raised by the two core groups of stakeholders were as follows: Aviation stakeholders 1. Access to the proposed airspace 2. Justification for the proposed changes 3. Safety issues caused by funnelling or compression of non-Farnborough aircraft around or beneath the proposed airspace Other stakeholders 1. Environmental impact (primarily noise) 2. Justification for the proposed changes 3. Safety What does the initial analysis show?
What are we doing as a result of the feedback received? As per the CAP 725 process, we are assessing the feedback and, where appropriate, attempting to mitigate the impacts upon stakeholders In practice, this means we are reviewing the design, adjusting and compromising where this is possible Designing routes which offer the best solutions in terms of aircraft performance and environmental impacts in line with Government policy
No. The CAA have confirmed that the consultation process has been carried out appropriately. We will, however be re-engaging some key aviation stakeholders Re-engagement for clarification of viewpoints and to help understand issues in relation to operational and procedural matters Re-engagement is a normal part of the process We have complied with, and often exceeded, the CAA and Government requirements for the consultation process Will we be re-consulting with any stakeholders?
Safety validation of design options This will take place over the next 8-12 weeks Flight validation of procedures This will take place over the next 10 weeks and will involve flying of arrival and departure procedures in aircraft simulators and aircraft Real-time simulation of whole concept of operations This will take place in March 2015 Preparation of feedback report B This has commenced and the document will be published in March/April 2015 ACP submission to CAA This will take place in April 2015 What next?
Feedback Report Part B will contain the airspace and route designs that we will submit to the CAA for evaluation. It will also contain the reasons why we are progressing this design in particular, using the information detailed in Feedback Report Part A. Essentially, this report is a comprehensive and detailed explanation of what has been done in response to consultation and the justification of why the design to be submitted is the most appropriate Following publication of this report, the ACP documentation will be submitted to CAA for their consideration and decision FACC will get sight of feedback report B just prior to publication What is feedback report B?