INTEGRATING INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE (IK) INTO UGANDA’S POVERTY ERADICATION ACTION PLAN (PEAP) By Joyce N. Muwanga Assistant Executive Secretary Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) A Paper Presented at the Global Distance Learning Course on IK in The Millennium Development Goals 28 March to 01 April, 2005
1.0 BACKGROUND IK Defined Goals of the Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) –Increasing the ability of the poor to raise income –Enhancing the Quality of Life of the Poor –Good Governance and Security
2.0 EFFORTS TO INTEGRATE IK INTO THE PEAP Development of the 1999 Strategy & Framework for development & application of Indigenous Knowledge The Kampala Declaration on IK Institutional Capacity Building for Integration of IK in the PEAP Preparation of the IK Sector Review Strategy for integrating IK into the PEAP
EFFORTS TO INTEGRATE IK INTO THE PEAP (continued) Development of the Action Plan for Integrating IK into the PEAP Development of the draft National Policy on Indigenous Knowledge The Innovation Fund Other efforts to integrate IK into the PEAP
3.0 THE 1999 STRATEGY & FRAMEWORK FOR DEVELOPMENT & APPLICATION OF IK The IK Stakeholder Consultative Workshop held in 1999 to develop a National Strategy Framework for the development and utilization of IK. The World Bank supported the workshop.
THE 1999 STRATEGY & FRAMEWORK FOR DEVELOPMENT & APPLICATION OF IK (continued) 3 key structural and physical constraints hampering the wider and optimal utilization and integration of IK in the national development process identified: i)Lack of qualified manpower ii)Absence of organizational structures & a mechanism to coordinate the activities to capture, validate & share IK nationally & regionally iii)Limited financial resources
THE 1999 STRATEGY & FRAMEWORK FOR DEVELOPMENT & APPLICATION OF IK (continued) A National IK Steering Committee with secretariat at UNCST established to guide the process of IK development and application. Its membership comprised of IK committed individuals from government, private sector, civil society organizations as well as IK bearers and practitioners.
4.0 THE 1999 KAMPALA DECLARATION ON IK Endorsed at the 1999 Stakeholder Consultative Workshop Constituted a national commitment to the development and application of IK and called for concerted efforts to capture, validate and share IK nationally as well as regionally.S
5.0 INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING FOR IK INTEGRATION IN THE PEAP Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, with support from World Bank implemented the project aimed at building an institutional framework for Uganda to enhance national capacity to promote the integration of IK systems in the development process.
5.1 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT To refine institutional strategies for implementation of the national strategy & action framework for IK development. To build local capacity to capture, store & evaluate the efficacy of IK for integration in the national development process. To establish a coordinating mechanism for facilitating the support to institutions involved in IK development & application. To support establishment of local community networks for sharing IK for community development To design mechanisms that help integrate IK into the operations of public & private sectors of health & agriculture.
5.2 SELECTED PROJECT ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN TO ACHIEVE OBJECTIVES (Undertaken by UNCST as implementing Agent & Coordinator, together with IK stakeholder institutions of private, public sectors as well as Civil Society) Capacity building in IK documentation & information management at both national & community level thru training of trainers & community leaders. Advocacy & awareness raising on IK & its role in poverty alleviation among the communities & public players, thru workshops, seminars & field visits. Strengthening the documentation of IK & exchange among communities at community level thru establishment of Community to Community based IK Resource Centers in 6 districts of Mukono, Luwero, Mpigi, Iganga, Wakiso and Apac
SELECTED PROJECT ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN TO ACHIEVE OBJECTIVES (continued) Documentation of IK by sector implementing institutions Establishment of District and Sub-County focal points Community to Community (C2C) exchanges of IK in selected districts
5.3 FORMATION OF UGIKIS Formation of the Uganda Indigenous Knowledge Information Society (UGIKIS) aimed at bringing IK stakeholders (policy makers, practitioners, academia, entrepreneurs, etc) together.
5.4 OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT A Coordinating Unit established at UNCST. Key legal & regulatory issues for enhancing the promotion & protection of IK for community development & empowerment identified. Potential areas for IK application in agriculture, health & natural resource management identified thru studies taken. Capacity of different IK stakeholders (practioners, bearers, & users, policy makers, research scientists, NGOs, CBOs, the University, etc) built in different methods of IK documentation, information sharing & advocacy.
OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT (Continued) Community-based IK Resource Centers established have facilitated communities to start documenting IK in different sectors of the economy in their respective communities, contributing to development of local content & sharing it among themselves. Nurturing of Communities of IK practice. Capacity built among institutions in approaches to integrate IK into their operations, hence bringing IK into mainstream operations
OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT (continued) The role of IK in development more recognised and appreciated through advocacy forums. Networking among stakeholders at all levels increased. Regional collaboration in IK development issues initiated.
6.0 IK SECTOR REVIEW STRATEGY FOR INTEGRATING IK INTO THE PEAP Government recognized the potential of IK in empowering communities & the important role it plays in improving the quality of life of the people of Uganda, especially the rural poor. An IK Strategy for implementing the PEAP objectives incorporated in the 2004 PEAP review process to incorporate IK. The strategy defined key IK issues to be addressed & strategies to implement the PEAP. Monitoring indicators were also defined.
7.0 ACTION PLAN FOR INTEGRATION OF IK INTO THE PEAP Addressed the need to mainstream IK in the overall national development process & provides for a systematic & coordinated approach for integrating Uganda’s IK or traditional knowledge systems & practices in the implementation of the PEAP A product of the World Bank supported project on institutional capacity building for integration of IK into the PEAP & seeks to mainstream IK in the development process. The Action Plan outlines the objectives of integration of IK & defines strategies for achieving them
7.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE IK ACTION PLAN To put in place an effective institutional framework to promote the development & application of IK in social, political & economic development. To facilitate understanding of the importance, value, role of IK as a tool for development among policy/decision makers, etc. To produce databases of IK practices for validation to facilitate acceptance, dissemination & further development. Etc
7.2 STRATEGIES FOR ATTAINING OBJECTIVES Developing an Institutional Framework for IK integration. Sensitization & advocacy. Documentation, research, validation & dissemination Scaling up, commercialization & industrialization Capacity building Legislation Resource mobilization Monitoring and Evaluation
7.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTION PLAN UNCST is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the action plan. Implementation of activities by sector institutions in the public & private sectors The financing of the action plan is thru government funds as well as from Development Partners.
8.0 DRAFT NATIONAL POLICY ON IK A product of the World Bank supported project. Provides a national framework to guide the process of integrating IK in the national development process. Details objectives of the policy & defines strategies to achieve the objectives. Draft policy still under consultative process among stakeholders being spearheaded by UNCST.
9.0 THE INNOVATION FUND A Government Fund to promote indigenous innovations & administered by UNCST
10.0 OTHER EFFORTS TO INTEGRATE IK IN DEVELOPMENT In Government Institutions At the Community level In the Private Sector
11.0 CHALLENGES TO THE INTEGRATION PROCESS Inadequate recognition of IK as an important tool for development. Inadequate documentation of IK, hence its loss on death of bearer. Limited benefits of IK products & services to a few people who appreciate it. The modernization drive of the economy which renders IK backward. Lack of IP laws to protect IK Inadequate resources to sustain IK programmes. Limited stakeholder participation in the integration process