Comenius project „Let‘s click“ 1st period Rokiskis Juozas Tumas- Vaizgantas gymnazium, LITHUANIA
Forming the project group: (teachers)
Activities: Every week a project group has a meeting; The information about all activities is put in the school web page/ on the notice board; The pupils are informed about the project activities during the lessons and through the school radio station; Files for registering pupils’ activeness, the stamp;
The Day of European Languages
The wonderful world of languages
Logo contest
● Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu – Drugi poziom konspektu ● Trzeci poziom konspektu – Czwarty poziom konspektu ● Piąty poziom konspektu ● Szósty poziom konspektu Siódmy poziom konspektuClick to edit Master text styles – Second level ● Third level – Fourth level ● Fifth level Voting for the best logos
The best logos
Pupils create souvenirs
We sign the contract with the national agency It happened only on 17th of October Preparation for the trip to Lisbon started...
Portugal week at school
The exhibition of posters with the material about Portugal
Demonstration of videos about Portugal
Portuguese dishes, cooking started...
Portuguese delicacies made by the pupils...
● Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu – Drugi poziom konspektu ● Trzeci poziom konspektu – Czwarty poziom konspektu ● Piąty poziom konspektu ● Szósty poziom konspektu Siódmy poziom konspektuClick to edit Master text styles – Second level ● Third level – Fourth level ● Fifth level Everything is ready for tasting...
Tasting Portuguese food
The pupils who made the Portuguese delicacies
The internet quizz about Portugal According to the information from the posters the pupils prepared the questions which were collected by the teachers and put into the school internet page. The pupils had three days to open that quizz, answer the questions and send the answers. Some questions from the quizz : What is the area of Portugal? What is the population? How many seasons are there in Portugal? Where and what is the longest bridge ? What is Fado? What is the symbol of Prtugal? Others...
Registration of the pupils’activity
Portugal is... The teachers say: – Warm sun and lots of smiles; – Amazing architecture and wistful Fado music; – A country in the south of Europe; – It should be a very picturesque country; – Close to Spain; – Lisbon. Long and wonderful bridges; – Three Fs- Fatima, Fado and Football; – Incredibly beautiful nature…
Portugal associates with … Pupils say: – A big state with a lot of people; – Beautiful people and delicious food/ seafood; – Not far from Japan; – Nice beaches, the sun, the sea; – The country which is devastated by storms; – A very cultured and beautiful country; – It is hot, very very hot there. – Football and beautiful landscape; – Summer weather; – Ocean and tangerines; – Lavender- the national flower; ….
Thank you for attention It will be continued…