1 Course Introduction Purpose This training course provides an overview of the architecture of the R8C series microcontrollers (MCUs). Objectives Learn the basic characteristics of the R8C architecture. Understand the differences between the architectures of the R8C Tiny series MCUs and M16C series devices. Content 20 pages 4 questions Learning Time 30 minutes
2 The M16C MCU Platform Ultra Performance 32-bit Performance 16-bit “Sweet Spot” 8- to 16-bit Transition Platform Entry Device High Performance Performance Point 8-Bit 16-Bit 32-Bit M32C Core M32C/10x M32C/8x M16C/6x M16C/2x R8C Tiny M32C/9x R8C Core Covered in this training course M16C Core Covered in other training courses
3 General Features M16C core 16-bit CPU 8-bit internal data bus (M16C has a 16-bit internal bus.) Register-based architecture 4 x 16-bit, 4 x 8-bit, 2 x 32-bit (2 sets) 2 x 16-bit address registers 2 x 16-bit base registers 89 basic instructions (two less than M16C) Hardware multiplier is a standard core feature. Eight standard addressing modes Up to 20MHz operation 50ns execution of shortest instruction Low-power modes
4 CPU Core/Register Model R0HR0L R1HR1L R2 R3 A0 A1 FB 08 / / / / bits 16 bits SB 015 ISP USP FLG PC INTB Data Registers 2 x 32-bit registers (R0R2, R1R3) or 4 x 16-bit registers (R0, R1, R2, R3) or 4 x 8-bit registers (R0L, R0H, R1L, R1H) 20 bits Address Registers 2 x 16-bit address/general-purpose Register (A0, A1) 1 x 32-bit address register [A0A1] Base Registers SB and FB registers can be used in indexed addressing modes (e.g., C-language stack frame addressing) Control Registers 2 stack pointers allow H/W interrupt stack and OS stack Flag Register – Condition flags and interrupt priority 20-bit Program Counter Interrupt Table Pointer allows multiple Interrupt Vector Tables Click each register to learn more.
5 Question What are the general features of the R8C architecture? Select all that apply and then click Done. 91 basic instructions Register-based architecture 16-bit internal data bus Up to 20MHz operation Done
6 Register Bank 0, Register Bank 1 R0HR0L R1HR1L R2 R3 A0 A1 FB 08 / / / / R0HR0L R1HR1L R2 R3 A0 A1 FB 08 / / / / SB 015 ISP USP FLG PC INTB Bank 0 Active when bank bit “B” in flag register = 0 (default state) Bank 1 Active when bank bit “B” in flag register = 1 Single set of registers Always active, regardless of bank bit “B” Click each set of registers to learn more.
7 IPL : Processor interrupt priority level (Interrupt Priority Level ) Levels 0 to 7 set by software or hardware. U : Stack pointer select flag (When U=0, the ISP is selected; when U=1, the USP is selected.) I : Interrupt enable flag (When I=1, the interrupt is enabled.) O : Overflow flag (This bit is set when an arithmetic operation generates an overflow.) B : Register bank select flag (When B=0, register bank 0 is selected; when B=1, register bank 1 is selected. ) S : Sign flag (This bit is set when an arithmetic operation results in a negative value; otherwise, this bit is 0. ) Z : Zero flag (This bit is set when an arithmetic operation results in 0; otherwise, this bit is 0. ) D : Debug flag (This flag enables a single-step interrupt. When D=1, a single-step interrupt is generated after an instruction is executed. When an interrupt is acknowledged, this flag is cleared to 0. ) C : Carry flag (This flag holds a carry, borrow, or shifted-out bit that has occurred in the arithmetic/logic unit. ) Mouse over the IPL, U, I, O, B, S, Z, D, and C fields in the register to learn more. Configuration of Flag Register FLG IPLUIOBSZDC b15 b0 : Reserved area
8 Memory Map Internal Reserved Area External Memory Area SFR Area Internal ROM Area FF FFE00 16 FFFFF 16 Internal RAM Area Fixed Vector Table Area E BFF 16 02C Internal Reserved Area D M16C/60 Series SFR Area Internal ROM Area FF FFFFF 16 Internal RAM Area Fixed Vector Table Area 01FFF Reserved Area R8C/10 Series 0FFFF Mouse over R8C/10 Series and M16C/60 Series for a review of their operation modes.. Modes Operated: Single-Chip Modes Operated: Single-Chip Memory Expansion Microprocessor
9 Cycle Times and Data Accesses An instruction cycle is equal to the CPU clock cycle time. − In Divide-by-1 mode, single-cycle instructions execute in one clock period. For example, with a 20MHz clock, the shortest instruction executes in 50ns. Accesses to internal RAM and ROM or Flash for data are single cycle for the M16C core. When accessing Word (16-bit) data, the R8C CPU must access the memory space twice, in 8-bit units. − Due to the 8-bit data bus, getting 16-bit data from RAM takes two cycles. Getting 8-bit data takes only one cycle, the same as the M16C. SFR accesses always take four cycles for R8C MCUs. − The M16C CPU takes two cycles for SFR accesses.
10 Instruction Set ADD, ADDC, ADDCF, SUB, SUBB, MUL, MULUU, DIV, DIVU, DIVX, DADD, DADC, DSUB, DSBB, INC, DEC, RMPA, CMP, ABS, EXTS, NEG Arithmetic (21) JMP, JCnd, JMPI, JMPS*, JSR, JSRI, JSRS*, RTS, ADJNZ, SBJNZ Branch (8) LDC, STC, LDINTB, LDIPL, PUSHC, POPC, FSET, FCLR, LDCTX, STCTX, ENTER, EXITD, BRK, REIT, INT, INTO, UND, WAIT, NOP Control/Other (19) SMOVF, SMOVB, SSTR String (3) BCLR, BSET, BNOT, BTST, BNTST, BAND, BNAND, BOR, BNOR, BXOR, BXNOR, BCmd, BTSTS, BTSTC Bit Manipulation (14) AND, OR, XOR, NOT, TXT, SHL, SHA, ROT, RORC, ROLC Shift/Logic (10) MOV, MOVA, PUSH, PUSHM, PUSHA, POP, POPM, LDE, STE, MOVDir, XCHG, STZ, STNZ, STZX Data Transfer (14) InstructionsTypes of Operations R8C instruction set is same as M16C set except two instructions are deleted: - JMPS (Jump Special Page) - JSRS (Jump Subroutine Special Page) Deleted from R8C
11 Question FLG IPL ISZD b15 b0 : Reserved area A B C D O: Overflow flag B: Register bank select flag U: Stack pointer select flag C: Carry flag Match each Flag register function to its correct sequence by dragging the letters on the left to the corresponding location on the Flag register. Click Done when you are finished. C AB D Done Reset Show Solution
12 C Language Instructions main( ) { int i, j ; i = j = 0 ; i = j + 5 ; } ………………. 2 int. areas (total of 4 bytes) Return from Function. ENTER #4 EXITD Creates Stack Frame [ 3-byte instruction ] [ 2-byte instruction ] SP Return address Return address FB SP Return address FB Return address FB j i SP Return address FB SP Remove Auto Area Return (Restore PC) Put SP to FB Move SP by 4-byte Save FB Removes Stack Frame Return address FB j i SP Return address SP Restore FB SP PC saved by JSR Mouse over ENTER and EXITD to learn more.
13 Addressing Modes abs16,abs20Absolute displacement is signeddsp:8[SP]SP Relative displacement is signeddsp:8[FB]FB Relative CommentSymbolAddressing Mode jump commandsProgram-counter Relative (special addressing mode) displacement is unsigneddsp:8[SB] dsp:16[SB] SB Relative dsp:8[An] dsp:16[An] dsp:20[An] Address Register Relative [An]Address Register Indirect RnRegister Direct #imm:8/16Immediate Click the nine addressing modes to learn more.
14 Clock Generating Circuit Main clock oscillator circuit: Operates at frequencies up to 20MHz Provides an Oscillation-Stop Detect feature – Includes high-speed and low-speed On-chip oscillator On-chip oscillator circuit: Allows operation without an external crystal Options to select 125kHz or 8MHz Has high-speed ring frequency adjustment register
15 Circuit
16 Operating Modes and Transitions On-chip oscillator Low-Speed High-Speed Main Clock Medium-Speed Divide by 8 Main Clock High-Speed Medium-Speed Low-Speed On-chip oscillator Divide by 8 RESET MODE STOP MODE WAIT MODE All Oscillators Stopped CPU Clock Stopped NORMAL MODE
17 Question When an R8C Tiny series MCU enters Normal mode from RESET, which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply and then click done. The clock will be in Divide-by-8 mode. The default clock will be the main clock. The clock will be in Divide-by-1 mode. The CPU will be in Wait mode. The default clock will be the low-speed On-chip oscillator. Done
18 Flash MCU Power Consumption 175µW35µA125kHz ring osc.3V 12mW5mA10MHz3V 24mW8mA20MHz3V Power Consumption Icc (typical) Clock Vcc Operating Mode 2.1mW0.7µA______3V 4µW0.8µA______5VStop 190µW38µA125kHz ring osc.5VWait 45mW9mA20MHz5VActive R8C/11
19 Interrupts BRK Key input interrupt A/D INT0_ INT1_ INT2_ INT3_ UART0 transmit UART0 receive UART1 transmit UART1 receive Software Interrupts (32 interrupt sources) Interrupt Sources Different Interrupt Sources Compare 1 Compare 0 Timer X Timer Y Timer Z Timer C Click the green box for a list of the different interrupt sources.
20 Question Which of the following are differences between the R8C and M16C CPU core architectures? Select all that apply and then click Done. 16-bit CPU core 8-bit data bus Bit-manipulation instructions Processor modes Register set Reset Vector Table location Addressing modes Done
21 Course Summary Overview of the R8C CPU core architecture Differences with M16C architecture Register set, instructions, and addressing modes Clock circuits, operating modes, power consumption, and interrupt sources