Topics covered: Pipelining CSE243: Introduction to Computer Architecture and Hardware/Software Interface
1 Basic concepts Speed of execution of programs can be improved in two ways: Faster circuit technology to build the processor and the memory. Arrange the hardware so that a number of operations can be performed simultaneously. The number of operations performed per second is increased although the elapsed time needed to perform any one operation is not changed. Pipelining is an effective way of organizing concurrent activity in a computer system to improve the speed of execution of programs.
2 Basic concepts (contd..) Processor executes a program by fetching and executing instructions one after the other. This is known as sequential execution. If F i refers to the fetch step, and E i refers to the execution step of instruction I i, then sequential execution looks like: F 1 E 1 F 2 E 2 F 3 E Time What if the execution of one instruction is overlapped with the fetching of the next one?
3 Basic concepts (contd..) Instruction fetch unit Execution unit Interstage buffer B1 Computer has two separate hardware units, one for fetching instructions and one for executing instructions. Instruction is fetched by instruction fetch unit and deposited in an intermediate buffer B1. Buffer enables the instruction execution unit to execute the instruction while the fetch unit is fetching the next instruction. Results of the execution are deposited in the destination location specified by the instruction.
4 Basic concepts (contd..) F 1 E 1 F 2 E 2 F 3 E 3 I 1 I 2 I 3 Instruction Clock cycle1234 Time Computer is controlled by a clock whose period is such that the fetch and execute steps of any instruction can be completed in one clock cycle. First clock cycle: - Fetch unit fetches an instruction I 1 (F 1 ) and stores it in B1. Second clock cycle: - Fetch unit fetches an instruction I 2 (F 2 ), and execution unit executes instruction I 1 (E 1 ). Third clock cycle: - Fetch unit fetches an instruction I 3 (F 3 ), and execution unit executes instruction I 2 (E 2 ). Fourth clock cycle: - Execution unit executes instruction I 3 (E 3 ).
5 Basic concepts (contd..) In each clock cycle, the fetch unit fetches the next instruction, while the execution unit executes the current instruction stored in the interstage buffer. Fetch and the execute units can be kept busy all the time. If this pattern of fetch and execute can be sustained for a long time, the completion rate of instruction execution will be twice that achievable by the sequential operation. Fetch and execute units constitute a two-stage pipeline. Each stage performs one step in processing of an instruction. Interstage storage buffer holds the information that needs to be passed from the fetch stage to execute stage. New information gets loaded into the buffer every clock cycle.
6 Basic concepts (contd..) Suppose the processing of an instruction is divided into four steps: F Fetch: Read the instruction from the memory. D Decode: Decode the instruction and fetch the source operands. E Execute: Perform the operation specified by the instruction. W Write: Store the result in the destination location. There are four distinct hardware units, for each one of the steps. Information is passed from one unit to the next through an interstage buffer. Three interstage buffers connecting four units. As an instruction progresses through the pipeline, the information needed by the downstream units must be passed along. F : Fetch instruction D : Decode instruction and fetch operands E: Execute operation W : Write results Interstage buffers B1B2B3
7 Basic concepts (contd..) F 4 I 4 F 1 F 2 F 3 I 1 I 2 I 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 Instruction Clock cycle Time Clock cycle 1: F1 Clock cycle 2: D1, F2 Clock cycle 3: E1, D2, F3 Clock cycle 4: W1, E2, D3, F4 Clock cycle 5: W2, E3, D4 Clock cycle 6: W3, E3, D4 Clock cycle 7: W4
8 Basic concepts (contd..) F 4 I 4 F 1 F 2 F 3 I 1 I 2 I 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 Instruction Clock cycle Time Buffer B1 holds instruction I 3, which is being decoded by the instruction-decoding unit. Instruction I 3 was fetched in cycle 3. Buffer B2 holds the source and destination operands for instruction I 2. It also holds the information needed for the Write step (W 2 ) of instruction I 2. This information will be passed to the stage W in the following clock cycle. Buffer B1 holds the results produced by the execution unit and the destination information for instruction I 1. During clock cycle #4:
9 Role of cache memory Each stage in the pipeline is expected to complete its operation in one clock cycle: Clock period should be sufficient to complete the longest task. Units which complete the tasks early remain idle for the remaining clock period. Tasks being performed in different stages should require about the same amount of time for pipelining to be effective. If instructions are to be fetched from the main memory, the instruction fetch stage would take as much as ten times greater than the other stage operations inside the processor. However, if instructions are to be fetched from the cache memory which is on the processor chip, the time required to fetch the instruction would be more or less similar to the time required for other basic operations.
10 Pipeline performance Potential increase in performance achieved by using pipelining is proportional to the number of pipeline stages. For example, if the number of pipeline stages is 4, then the rate of instruction processing is 4 times that of sequential execution of instructions. Pipelining does not cause a single instruction to be executed faster, it is the throughput that increases. This rate can be achieved only if the pipelined operation can be sustained without interruption through program instruction. If a pipelined operation cannot be sustained without interruption, the pipeline is said to “stall”. A condition that causes the pipeline to stall is called a “hazard”.
11 Data hazard Execution of the instruction occurs in the E stage of the pipeline. Execution of most arithmetic and logic operations would take only one clock cycle. However, some operations such as division would take more time to complete. For example, the operation specified in instruction I2 takes three cycles to complete from cycle 4 to cycle 6. F 4 I 4 F 1 F 2 F 3 I 1 I 2 I 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 Instruction Clock cycle Time
12 Data hazard (contd..) F 4 I 4 F 1 F 2 F 3 I 1 I 2 I 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 Instruction Clock cycle Time Cycles 5 and 6, the Write stage is idle, because it has no data to work with. Information in buffer B2 must be retained till the execution of the instruction I 2 is complete. Stage 2, and by extension stage 1 cannot accept new instructions because the information in B1 cannot be overwritten. Steps D 6 and F 5 must be postponed. A data hazard is a condition in which either the source or the destination operand is not available at the time expected in the pipeline.
13 Control or instruction hazard Pipeline may be stalled because an instruction is not available at the expected time. For example, while fetching an instruction a cache miss may occur, and hence the instruction may have to be fetched from the main memory. Fetching the instruction from the main memory takes much longer than fetching the instruction from the cache. Thus, the fetch cycle of the instruction cannot be completed in one cycle. For example, the fetching of instruction I 2 results in a cache miss. Thus, F 2 takes 4 clock cycles instead of 1. F 1 F 2 F 3 I 1 I 2 I 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 E 1 E 2 E 3 W 1 W 2 W 3 Instruction Clock cycle Time
14 Control or instruction hazard (contd..) Fetch operation for instruction I2 results in a cache miss, and the instruction fetch unit must fetch this instruction from the main memory. Suppose fetching instruction I2 from the main memory takes 4 clock cycles. Instruction I2 will be available in buffer B1 at the end of clock cycle 5. The pipeline resumes its normal operation at this point. Decode unit is idle in cycles 3 through 5. Execute unit is idle in cycles 4 through 6. Write unit is idle in cycles 5 through 7. Such idle periods are called as stalls or bubbles. Once created in one of the pipeline stages, a bubble moves downstream unit it reaches the last unit Clock cycle Stage F: Fetch D: Decode E: Execute W: Write F 1 F 2 F 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 idle E 1 E 2 E 3 W 1 W 2 9 W 3 F 2 F 2 F 2 Time
15 Structural hazard Two instructions require the use of a hardware resource at the same time. Most common case is in access to the memory: One instruction needs to access the memory as part of the Execute or Write stage. Other instruction is being fetched. If instructions and data reside in the same cache unit, only one instruction can proceed and the other is delayed. Many processors have separate data and instruction caches to avoid this delay. In general, structural hazards can be avoided by providing sufficient resources on the processor chip.
16 Structural hazard (contd..) F 1 F 2 F 3 I 1 I 2 (Load X(R1),R2 I 3 E 1 M 2 D 1 D 2 D 3 W 1 W 2 Instruction F 4 I 4 F 5 I 5 D 5 Clock cycle E 2 E 3 W 3 E 4 D 4 Memory address X+R1 is computed in step E 2 in cycle 4, memory access takes place in cycle 5, operand read from the memory is written into register R2 in cycle 6. Execution of instruction I 2 takes two clock cycles 4 and 5. In cycle 6, both instructions I 2 and I 3 require access to register file. Pipeline is stalled because the register file cannot handle two operations at once.
17 Pipelining and performance Pipelining does not cause an individual instruction to be executed faster, rather, it increases the throughput. Throughput is defined as the rate at which instruction execution is completed. When a hazard occurs, one of the stages in the pipeline cannot complete its operation in one clock cycle. The pipeline stalls causing a degradation in performance. Performance level of one instruction completion in each clock cycle is the upper limit for the throughput that can be achieved in a pipelined processor.
18 Data hazards Data hazard is a situation in which the pipeline is stalled because the data to be operated on are delayed. Consider two instructions: I 1 : A = 3 + A I 2 : B = 4 x A If A = 5, and I 1 and I 2 are executed sequentially, B=32. In a pipelined processor, the execution of I 2 can begin before the execution of I 1. The value of A used in the execution of I 2 will be the original value of 5 leading to an incorrect result. Thus, instructions I 1 and I 2 depend on each other, because the data used by I 2 depends on the results generated by I 1. Results obtained using sequential execution of instructions should be the same as the results obtained from pipelined execution. When two instructions depend on each other, they must be performed in the correct order.
19 Data hazards (contd..) F 1 F 2 F 3 I 1 I 2 I 3 D 1 D 3 E 1 E 3 E 2 W 3 Instruction Clock cycle W 1 D 2A W 2 F 4 D 4 E 4 W 4 I 4 D 2 Mul R2, R3, R4 Add R5,R4,R6 Mul instruction places the results of the multiply operation in register R4 at the end of clock cycle 4. Register R4 is used as a source operand in the Add instruction. Hence the Decode Unit decoding the Add instruction cannot proceed until the Write step of the first instruction is complete. Data dependency arises because the destination of one instruction is used as a source in the next instruction.
20 Operand forwarding Data hazard occurs because the destination of one instruction is used as the source in the next instruction. Hence, instruction I 2 has to wait for the data to be written in the register file by the Write stage at the end of step W 1. However, these data are available at the output of the ALU once the Execute stage completes step E 1. Delay can be reduced or even eliminated if the result of instruction I1 can be forwarded directly for use in step E 2. This is called “operand forwarding”.
21 Operand forwarding (contd..) Register file SRC1SRC2 RSLT Destination Source 1 Source 2 ALU Similar to the three-bus organization. Registers SRC1, SRC2 and RSLT have been added. SRC1, SRC2 and RSLT are interstage buffers for pipelined operation. SRC1 and SRC2 are part of buffer B2. RSLT is part of buffer B3. Data forwarding mechanism is shown by the two red lines. Two multiplexers connected at the inputs to the ALU allow the data on the destination bus to be selected instead of the contents of SRC1 and SRC2 register.
22 Operand forwarding (contd..) Register file SRC1SRC2 RSLT Destination Source 1 Source 2 ALU I 1 : Mul R2, R3, R4 I 2 : Add R5, R4, R6 Clock cycle 3: - Instruction I 2 is decoded, and a data dependency is detected. - Operand not involved in the dependency, register R5 is loaded in register SRC1. Clock cycle 4: - Product produced by I 1 is available in register RSLT. - The forwarding connection allows the result to be used in step E 2. Instruction I 2 proceeds without interruption.
23 Handling data dependency in software Data dependency may be detected by the hardware while decoding the instruction: Control hardware may delay by an appropriate number of clock cycles reading of a register till its contents become available. The pipeline stalls for that many number of clock cycles. Detecting data dependencies and handling them can also be accomplished in software. Compiler can introduce the necessary delay by introducing an appropriate number of NOP instructions. For example, if a two- cycle delay is needed between two instructions then two NOP instructions can be introduced between the two instructions. I 1 : Mul R2, R3, R4 NOP I 2 : Add R5, R4, R6
24 Side effects Data dependencies are explicit easy to detect if a register specified as the destination in one instruction is used as a source in the subsequent instruction. However, some instructions also modify registers that are not specified as the destination. For example, in the autoincrement and autodecrement addressing mode, the source register is modified as well. When a location other than the one explicitly specified in the instruction as a destination location is affected, the instruction is said to have a “side effect”. Another example of a side effect is condition code flags which implicitly record the results of the previous instruction, and these results may be used in the subsequent instruction.
25 Side effects (contd..) I 1 : Add R3, R4 I 2 : AddWithCarry R2, R4 Instruction I 1 sets the carry flag and instruction I 2 uses the carry flag leading to an implicit dependency between the two instructions. Instructions with side effects can lead to multiple data dependencies. Results in a significant increase in the complexity of hardware or software needed to handle the dependencies. Side effects should be kept to a minimum in instruction sets designed for execution on pipelined hardware.
26 Instruction hazards Instruction fetch units fetch instructions and supply the execution units with a steady stream of instructions. If the stream is interrupted then the pipeline stalls. Stream of instructions may be interrupted because of a cache miss or a branch instruction.
27 Instruction hazards (contd..) Consider a two-stage pipeline, first stage is the instruction fetch stage and the second stage is the instruction execute stage. Instructions I 1, I 2 and I 3 are stored at successive memory locations. I 2 is a branch instruction with branch target as instruction I k. I 2 is an unconditional branch instruction. Clock cycle 3: - Fetch unit is fetching instruction I 3. - Execute unit is decoding I 2 and computing the branch target address. Clock cycle 4: - Processor must discard I 3 which has been incorrectly fetched and fetch I k. - Execution unit is idle, and the pipeline stalls for one clock cycle.
28 Instruction hazards (contd..) F 2 I 2 (Branch) I 3 I k E 2 F 3 F k E k F k+1 E 1 I k+1 Instruction Execution unit idle 12345Clock cycle Time F 1 I 1 E 1 6 X Pipeline stalls for one clock cycle. Time lost as a result of a branch instruction is called as branch penalty. Branch penalty is one clock cycle.
29 Instruction hazards (contd..) Branch penalty depends on the length of the pipeline, may be higher for a longer pipeline. For a four-stage pipeline: - Branch target address is computed in stage E2. - Instructions I3 and I4 have to be discarded. - Execution unit is idle for 2 clock cycles. - Branch penalty is 2 clock cycles.
30 Instruction hazards (contd..) Branch penalty can be reduced by computing the branch target address earlier in the pipeline. Instruction fetch unit has special hardware to identify a branch instruction after the instruction is fetched. Branch target address can be computed in the Decode stage (D 2 ), rather than in the Execute stage (E 2 ). Branch penalty is only one clock cycle. F 1 D 1 E 1 W 1 I 2 (Branch) I Clock cycle F 2 D 2 F 3 X F k D k E k F k+1 D 1 I 3 I k I 1 W k E 1 Time
31 Instruction hazards (contd..) F : Fetch instruction E : Execute instruction W : Write results D : Dispatch/ Decode Instruction queue Instruction fetch unit unit Fetch unit fetches instructions before they are needed & stores them in a queue Queue can hold several instructions Dispatch unit takes instructions from the front of the queue and dispatches them to the Execution unit. Dispatch unit also decodes the instruction.
32 Instruction hazards (contd..) Fetch unit must have sufficient decoding and processing capability to recognize and execute branch instructions. Pipeline stalls because of a data hazard: Dispatch unit cannot issue instructions from the queue. Fetch unit continues to fetch instructions and add them to the queue. Delay in fetching because of a cache miss or a branch: Dispatch unit continues to dispatch instructions from the instruction queue.
33 Instruction hazards (contd..) X F 1 D 1 E 1 E 1 E 1 W 1 F 4 W 3 E 3 I 5 (Branch) I 1 F 2 D Clock cycle E 2 W 2 F 3 D 3 E 4 D 4 W 4 F 5 D 5 F 6 F k D k E k F k+1 D 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 6 I k I 1 W k E Queue length1 Initial length of the queue is 1. Fetch adds 1 to the queue, dispatch reduces the length by 1. Queue length remains the same for first 4 clock cycles. I 1 stalls the pipeline for 2 cycles. Queue has space, so the fetch unit continues and queue length rises to 3 in clock cycle 6. I 5 is a branch instruction with target instruction I k. I k is fetched in cycle 7, and I 6 is discarded. However, this does not stall the pipeline, since I 4 is dispatched. I 2, I 3, I 4 and I k are executed in successive clock cycles. Fetch unit computes the branch address concurrently with the execution of other instructions. This is called as branch folding.
34 Instruction hazards (contd..) Branch folding can occur if there is at least one instruction available in the queue other than the branch instruction. Queue should ideally be full most of the time. Increasing the rate at which the fetch unit reads instructions from the cache. Most processors allow more than one instruction to be fetched from the cache in one clock cycle. Fetch unit must replenish the queue quickly after a branch has occurred. Instruction queue also mitigates the impact of cache misses: In the event of a cache miss, the dispatch unit continues to send instructions to the execution unit as long as the queue is full. In the meantime, the desired cache block is read. If the queue does not become empty, cache miss has no effect on the rate of instruction execution.
35 Conditional branches and branch prediction Conditional branch instructions depend on the result of a preceding instruction. Decision on whether to branch cannot be made until the execution of the preceding instruction is complete. Branch instructions represent 20% of the dynamic instruction count of most programs. Dynamic instruction count takes into consideration that some instructions are executed repeatedly. Branch instructions may incur branch penalty reducing the performance gains expected from pipelining. Several techniques to mitigate the negative impact of branch penalty on performance.
36 Delayed branch Branch target address is computed in stage E2. Instructions I 3 and I 4 have to be discarded. Location following a branch instruction is called a branch delay slot. There may be more than one branch delay slot depending on the time it takes to determine whether the instruction is a branch instruction. In this case, there are two branch delay slots. The instructions in the delay slot are always fetched and at least partially executed before the branch decision is made and the branch address is computed.
37 Delayed branch (contd..) Delayed branching can minimize the penalty incurred as a result of conditional branch instructions. Since the instructions in the delay slots are always fetched and partially executed, it is better to arrange for them to be fully executed whether or not branch is taken. If we are able to place useful instructions in these slots, then they will always be executed whether or not the branch is taken. If we cannot place useful instructions in the branch delay slots, then we can fill these slots with NOP instructions.
38 Delayed branch (contd..) Add LOOPShift_leftR1 Decrement Branch=0 R2 LOOP NEXT (a) Original program loop LOOPDecrementR2 Branch=0 Shift_left LOOP R1 NEXTAdd R1,R3 Register R2 is used as a counter to determine how many times R1 is to be shifted. Processor has a two stage pipeline or one delay slot. Instructions can be reordered so that the shift left instruction appears in the delay slot. Shift left instruction is always executed whether the branch condition is true or false. (b) Reordered instructions
39 Delayed branch (contd..) FE FE FE FE FE FE FE Instruction Decrement Branch Shift (delay slot) Decrement (Branch taken) Branch Shift (delay slot) Add (Branch not taken) Clock cycle Time Shift instruction is executed when the branch is taken. Shift instruction is executed when the branch is not taken.
40 Delayed branch (contd..) Logically, the program is executed as if the branch instruction were placed after the shift instruction. Branching takes place one instruction later than where the branch instruction appears in the instruction sequence (with reference to reordered instructions). Hence, this technique is termed as “delayed branch”. Delayed branch requires reordering as many instructions as the number of delay slots. Usually possible to reorganize one instruction to fill one delay slot. Difficult to reorganize two or more instructions to fill two or more delay slots.
41 Branch prediction To reduce the branch penalty associated with conditional branches, we can predict whether the branch will be taken. Simplest form of branch prediction: Assume that the branch will not take place. Continue to fetch instructions in sequential execution order. Until the branch condition is evaluated, instruction execution along the predicted path must be done on a speculative basis. “Speculative execution” implies that the processor is executing instructions before it is certain that they are in the correct sequence. Processor registers and memory locations should not be updated unless the sequence is confirmed. If the branch prediction turns out to be wrong, then instructions that were executed on a speculative basis and their data must be purged. Correct sequence of instructions must be fetched and executed.
42 Branch prediction (contd..) F 1 F 2 I 1 (Compare) I 2 (Branch>0) I 3 D 1 E 1 W 1 F 3 F 4 F k D k D 3 X XI 4 I k Instruction E 2 Clock cycle D 2 /P 2 Time I 1 is a compare instruction and I 2 is a branch instruction. Branch prediction takes place in cycle 3 when I 2 is being decoded. I 3 is being fetched at that time. Fetch unit predicts that the branch will not be taken and continues to fetch I 4 in cycle 4 when I 3 is being decoded. Results of I 1 are available in cycle 3. Fetch unit evaluates branch condition in cycle 4. If the branch prediction is incorrect, the fetch unit realizes at this point. I 3 and I 4 are discarded and I k is fetched from the branch target address.
43 Branch prediction (contd..) If branch outcomes were random, then the simple approach of always assuming that the branch would not be taken would be correct 50% of the time. However, branch outcomes are not random and it may be possible to determine a priori whether a branch will be taken or not depending on the expected program behavior. For example, a branch instruction at the end of the loop causes a branch to the start of the loop for every pass through the loop except the last one. Better performance can be achieved if this branch is always predicted as taken. A branch instruction at the beginning of the loop causes the branch to be not taken most of the time. Better performance can be achieved if this branch is always predicted as not taken.
44 Branch prediction (contd..) Which way to predict the result of the branch instruction (taken or not taken) may be made in the hardware, depending on whether the target address of the branch instruction is lower or higher than the address of the branch instruction. If the target address is lower, then the branch is predicted as taken. If the target address is higher, then the branch is predicted as not taken. Branch prediction can also be handled by the compiler. Complier can set the branch prediction bit to 0 or 1 to indicate the desired behavior. Instruction fetch unit checks the branch prediction bit to predict whether the branch will be taken.
45 Branch prediction (contd..) Branch prediction decision is the same every time an instruction is executed. This is “static branch prediction”. Branch prediction decision may change depending on the execution history. This is “dynamic branch prediction”.
46 Branch prediction (contd..) Branch prediction algorithms should minimize the probability of making a wrong branch prediction decision. In dynamic branch prediction the processor hardware assesses the likelihood of a given branch being taken by keeping track of branch decisions every time that instruction is executed. Simplest form of execution history used in predicting the outcome of a given branch instruction is the result of the most recent execution of that instruction. Processor assumes that the next time the instruction is executed, the result is likely to be the same. For example, if the branch was taken the last time the instruction was executed, then the branch is likely to be taken this time as well.
47 Branch prediction (contd..) Branch prediction algorithm may be described as a two-state machine with 2 states: LT : Branch is likely to be taken LNT: Branch is likely not to be taken Initial state of the machine be LNT When the branch instruction is executed, and if the branch is taken, the machine moves to state LT. If the branch is not taken, it remains in state LNT. When the same branch instruction is executed the next time, the branch is predicted as taken if the state of the machine is LT, else it is predicted as not taken. Branch taken (BT) Branch not taken (BNT) BTBNTLNT LT
48 Branch prediction (contd..) Requires only one bit of history information for each branch instruction. Works well inside loops: Once a loop is entered, the branch instruction that controls the looping will always yield the same result until the last pass. In the last pass, the branch prediction will turn out to be incorrect. The branch history state machine will be changed to the opposite state. However, if the same loop is entered the next time, and there is more than one pass, the branch prediction machine will lead to wrong branch prediction. Better performance may be achieved by keeping more execution history.
49 Branch prediction (contd..) BTBNT BT BNT BTBT LNT LTST SNT BT ST : Strong likely to be taken LT : Likely to be taken LNT : Likely not to be taken SNT : Strong likely not to be taken Initial state of the algorithm is LNT. After the branch instruction is executed, if the branch is taken, the state is changed to ST For a branch instruction, the fetch unit predicts that the branch will be taken if the state is ST or LT, else it predicts that the branch will not be taken. In state SNT: - The prediction is that the branch is not taken. - If the branch is actually taken, the state changes to LNT. - Next time the branch is encountered, the prediction again is that it is not taken. - If the prediction is wrong the second time, the state changes to ST. - After that, the branch is predicted as taken.
50 Branch prediction (contd..) Consider a loop with a branch instruction at the end. Initial state of the branch prediction algorithm is LNT. In the first pass, the algorithm will predict that the branch is not taken. This prediction will be incorrect. The state of the algorithm will change to ST. In the subsequent passes, the algorithm will predict that the branch is taken: Prediction will be incorrect, except for the last pass. In the last pass, the branch is not taken: The state will change to LT from ST. When the loop is entered the second time, the algorithm will predict that the branch is taken: This prediction will be correct.
51 Branch prediction (contd..) Branch prediction algorithm mispredicts the outcome of the branch instruction in the first pass. The prediction in the first pass depends on the initial state of the branch prediction algorithm. If the initial state can be set correctly, the misprediction in the first pass can be avoided. Information necessary to set the initial state of the branch prediction algorithm can be provided by static prediction schemes. Comparing the branch target address with the address of the branch instruction, Checking the branch prediction bit set by the compiler. Branch instruction at the end of the loop, initial state is LT. Branch instruction at the start of the loop, initial state is LNT. With this, the only misprediction that occurs is on the final pass through the loop. This misprediction is unavoidable.
52 Superscalar operation Pipelining enables multiple instructions to be executed concurrently by dividing the execution of an instruction into several stages: Instructions enter the pipeline in strict program order. If the pipeline does not stall, one instruction enters the pipeline and one instruction completes execution in one clock cycle. Maximum throughput of a pipelined processor is one instruction per clock cycle. An alternative approach is to equip the processor with multiple processing units to handle several instructions in parallel in each stage.
53 Superscalar operation (contd..) If a processor has multiple processing units then several instructions can start execution in the same clock cycle. Processor is said to use “multiple issue”. These processors are capable of achieving instruction execution throughput of more than one instruction per cycle. These processors are known as “superscalar processors”.
54 Superscalar operation (contd..) W : Write results Dispatch unit Instruction queue Floating- point unit Integer unit F : Instruction fetch unit Processor has two execution units: Integer and Floating Point Instruction fetch unit is capable of reading two instructions at a time and storing them in the instruction queue. Dispatch unit fetches and retrieves up to two instructions at a time from the front of the queue. If there is one integer and one floating point instruction, and no hazards, then both instructions are dispatched in the same clock cycle.
55 Superscalar operation (contd..) Various hazards cause a even greater deterioration in performance in case of a superscalar processor. Compiler can avoid many hazards by careful ordering of instructions: For example, the compiler should try to interleave floating- point and integer instructions. Dispatch unit can then dispatch two instructions in most clock cycles, and keep both integer and floating point units busy most of the time. If the compiler can order instructions in such a way that the available hardware units can be kept busy most of the time, high performance can be achieved.
56 Superscalar operation (contd..) I 1 (Fadd) D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 E 1A E 1B E 1C E 2 E 3 E 3 E 3 E 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 I 2 (Add) I 3 (Fsub) I 4 (Sub) F 1 F 2 F 3 F Clock cycle7 Instructions in the floating-point unit take three cycles to execute. Floating-point unit is organized as a three-stage pipeline. Instructions in the integer unit take one cycle to execute. Integer unit is organized as a single-stage pipeline. Clock cycle 1: - Instructions I 1 (floating point) and I 2 (integer) are fetched. Clock cycle 2: - Instructions I 1 and I 2 are decoded and dispatched, I 3 is fetched.
57 Superscalar operation (contd..) I 1 (Fadd) D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 E 1A E 1B E 1C E 2 E 3 E 3 E 3 E 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 I 2 (Add) I 3 (Fsub) I 4 (Sub) F 1 F 2 F 3 F Clock cycle7 Clock cycle 3: - I 1 and I 2 begin execution, I 2 completes execution. I 3 is dispatched to floating - point unit and I 4 is dispatched to integer unit. Clock cycle 4: - I 1 continues execution, I 3 begins execution, I 2 completes Write stage, I 4 completes execution. Clock cycle 5: - I 1 completes execution, I 3 continues execution, and I 4 completes Write. Order of completion is I 2, I 4, I 1, I 3
58 Out-of-order execution Instructions are dispatched in the same order as they appear in the program, however, they complete execution out-of-order. Dependencies among instructions need to be handled correctly, so that this does not lead to any problems. What if during the execution of an instruction an exception occurs and one or more of the succeeding instructions have been executed to completion? For example, the execution of instruction I1 may cause an exception after the instruction I2 has completed execution and written the results to the destination location? If a processor permits succeeding instructions to complete execution and write to the destination locations, before knowing whether the prior instructions cause exceptions, it is said to allow “imprecise exceptions”.
59 Out-of-order execution (contd..) To guarantee a consistent state when exceptions occur, the results of execution must be written to the destination locations strictly in the program order. Step W 2 must be delayed until cycle 6, when I 1 enters the write stage. Integer unit must retain the results of I 2 until cycle 6, and cannot accept another instruction until then. If an exception occurs during an instruction, then all subsequent instructions that may have been partially executed are discarded. This is known a “precise exception.”
60 Execution completion It is beneficial to allow out-of-order execution, so that the execution unit is freed up to execute other instructions. However, instructions must be completed in program order to allow precise exceptions. These requirements are conflicting. It is possible to resolve the conflict by allowing the execution to proceed and writing the results into temporary registers. The contents of the temporary registers are transferred to permanent registers in correct program order.
61 Execution completion (contd..) Step TW is a write into a temporary register. Step W is the final step in which the contents of the register are transferred into the appropriate permanent register. Step W is called the “commitment step” because the effect of the instruction execution cannot be reversed after that point. Before the commitment step, if any instruction causes an exception, then the results of the succeeding instructions that are still in the temporary registers can be safely discarded.
62 Execution completion (contd..) Temporary register is given the same name and is treated in the same way as the permanent register whose data it is holding. For example, if the destination register of I2 is R5, then the temporary register used in step TW 2 is treated as R5 in the clock cycles 6 and 7. This technique is called as “Register renaming”. If any succeeding instruction refers to R5 during clock cycles 6 and 7, then the contents of the temporary register are forwarded.
63 Execution completion (contd..) A special control unit called “commitment unit” is needed to ensure in-order commitment when out-of-order execution is allowed. Commitment unit has a queue called “reorder buffer” to determine which instructions should be committed next: Instructions are entered in the queue strictly in the program order as they are dispatched for execution. When an instruction reaches the head of the queue and its execution has been completed: Results are transferred from temporary registers to permanent registers. All resources assigned to this instruction are released. The instruction is said to have “retired”. Instructions are retired strictly in program order, though they may be completed out-of-order.