South African apartheid was a political policy of segregation and discrimination on the grounds of race. Active in South Africa for approximately 46 years. Please follow the links for more information: WHAT IS APARTHEID?
HOW DID APARTHEID AFFECT SOUTH AFRICA? South Africans were classified by race: White Bantu – Black Africans Coloured – Mixed race Asians – Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese
During apartheid, interracial marriages were banned More than 80% of the country’s land was allocated for whites. Separate facilities discouraged contact between whites and non whites. Please follow the links for more information:
In 1959, Bantustans were created. These were black homelands in which Black South Africans were forcibly taken from their homes and properties and made to live in these ethnic and linguistic organised homelands. Please follow the links for more information:
THE END OF APARTHEID Resistance to apartheid included demonstrations, protests, rallies, strikes, political action and armed resistance. Nelson Mandela personified the Anti Apartheid movement. Apartheid officially ended in Please follow the links for more information: pdf
BLACK ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT (BEE) In 2003, the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act was introduced. This legislation aimed to redress the wrongs brought about by apartheid through the economy. Please follow the links for more information:
BEE AIMS Encourage Black South Africans to own and manage enterprise Promote black access to finance Companies are scored on their appointment of Blacks in their business. The higher the BEE scorecard the more access to public markets and contracts. Please follow the links for more information:
CRITICISMS OF BEE Gives Black South Africans a false sense of entitlement Reverse racism where other groups are discriminated against Less skilled / qualified Black South Africans employed over more qualified people from different ethnic groups. Please follow the links for more information: tenth-anniversary/ html
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