Heliophysics Research Focus Areas for a new Heliophysics Roadmap A summary of suggested updates to the current RFA, and some possible outcomes.


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Presentation transcript:

Heliophysics Research Focus Areas for a new Heliophysics Roadmap A summary of suggested updates to the current RFA, and some possible outcomes

 “I thought they were basically fine”  “The main RFAs are OK, but the sub- questions need better focus/leave out some important science questions.”  “These RFAs contain baffling wording, left out, and this whole section (read, J) does not define a focused area of scientific research.” There were many, wide ranging suggestions on how the RFAs might be modified to better reflect an updated set of heliophysics science goals

 “I had to read all the sub-questions to reverse engineer the actual meaning of the specific RFA”  “This is hopeless, I rewrote all of them.” There were many, wide ranging suggestions on how the RFAs might be modified to better reflect an updated set of heliophysics science goals

F1. Understand magnetic reconnection as revealed in solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and geospace storms. F2. Understand the plasma processes that accelerate and transport particles. F3. Understand the role of plasma and neutral interactions in nonlinear coupling of regions throughout the solar system. F4. Understand the creation and variability of magnetic dynamos and how they drive the dynamics of solar, planetary and stellar environments. F : Frontier to Prediction? How about FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE

F1. Understand magnetic reconnection as revealed in solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and geospace storms. “Why just in these places?” “Reconnection in the solar wind” “Reconnection in the magnetospheres of outer planets” SUGGEST AGNOSTIC READING “Understand the conditions under which magnetic reconnection occurs, and the consequences thereof”, followed by an appropriate list of locations, scales, etc. in expanded list of sub- questions. F : Frontier to Prediction? How about FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE

F2. Understand the plasma processes that accelerate and transport particles. What about - acceleration and transport of neutral particles, What about - understand multi-step acceleration processes. What about specifically calling out waves and turbulence in the RFA? Suggested: F2. Understand plasma processes such as waves and turbulence, which can accelerate particles and transport mass and energy. F : Frontier to Prediction? How about FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE

F3. Understand the role of plasma and neutral interactions in nonlinear coupling of regions throughout the solar system. “Why nonlinear?” “The sub-questions did not mention coupling the IMT with the lower atmosphere” F : Frontier to Prediction? How about FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE

F4. Understand the creation and variability of magnetic dynamos and how they drive the dynamics of solar, planetary and stellar environments. “This is Heliophysics?” “Where do atmosphere-ionosphere dynamos fit?” Rewrite to "understand the creation and variability of the solar dynamos and its relationship to planetary & stellar dynamos". F : Frontier to Prediction? How about FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE

H1. Understand the causes and subsequent evolution of solar activity that affects Earth’s space climate and environment. H2. Determine changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere to enable specification, prediction, and mitigation of their effects. H3. Understand the role of the Sun as an energy source to Earth’s atmosphere and, in particular, the role of solar variability in driving change. H4. Apply our understanding of space plasma physics to the role of stellar activity and magnetic shielding in planetary system evolution and habitability. H - Our Home In Space Understand how human society, technological systems, and the habitability of planets are affected by solar variability interacting with planetary magnetic fields and atmospheres.

H1. Understand the causes and subsequent evolution of solar activity that affects Earth’s space climate and environment. H2. Determine changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere to enable specification, prediction, and mitigation of their effects. H3. Understand the role of the Sun as an energy source to Earth’s atmosphere and, in particular, the role of solar variability in driving change. H4. Apply our understanding of space plasma physics to the role of stellar activity and magnetic shielding in planetary system evolution and habitability. H - Our Home In Space Understand how human society, technological systems, and the habitability of planets are affected by solar variability interacting with planetary magnetic fields and atmospheres.

H1. Understand the causes and subsequent evolution of solar activity that affects Earth’s space climate and environment. “RFA is OK but questions are too narrow; one table suggested shortening to"...and subsequent evolution of solar activity.”” H2. Determine changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere to enable specification, prediction, and mitigation of their effects. “Fails to acknowledge upward propagation of energy from planetary surfaces/atmospheres that modifies the planetary space environment” H - Our Home In Space

H3. Understand the role of the Sun as an energy source to Earth’s atmosphere and, in particular, the role of solar variability in driving change. Reads poorly. “…variability in driving change.” ? “…role of SEPs in driving isotopic composition.” “H.3.3 Should simply read : How does long & mid-term solar variability affect Earth’s climate?” H4. Apply our understanding of space plasma physics to the role of stellar activity and magnetic shielding in planetary system evolution and habitability. “Why is this here?” “Do any HPS proposals ever reference this? It's OK to leave it in for linkage with planetary & astrophysics; or it might be deleted if there is desire to reduce the number of RFA's.” H - Our Home In Space


Safeguard the Journey of Exploration Maximize the safety and productivity of human and robotic explorers by developing the capability to predict the extreme and dynamic conditions in space. J1. Characterize the variability, extremes, and boundary conditions of the space environments that will be encountered by human and robotic explorers. J2. Develop the capability to predict the origin and onset of solar activity and disturbances associated with potentially hazardous space weather events. J3. Develop the capability to predict the propagation and evolution of solar disturbances to enable safe travel for human and robotic explorers. J4. Understand and characterize the space weather effects on and within planetary environments to minimize risk in exploration activities.

J1 & J4 could be combined. The distinction between them is subtle. J4 is very strongly aimed at Mars exploration--still necessary? J2 & J3 contain good science and are clearly written; but their science topics could have also have been included in F and H entries if J were to disappear. J2 & J3 could be combined, although the physics involved in "origin and onset"is very different from "propagation & evolution.”

 J4 Impact -- Needs lots of work.... what is really minimizing risk, and what is fundamental (and thus should be in F)