Day One Determine students’ feelings about science by having a class discussion. Have students rate how they feel about science and individual science topics from 1-10 (will use to make groups later on) Discuss that the students are all scientists in the classroom. Make a list of what good and safe scientists do for the whole year. Introduce science notebooks as an EXCITING way that students can keep track of all the AWESOME things they learn in science. Have students draw a picture of what they think a scientist looks like in one of the first few pages of their science notebook.
Day Two Make a list of what students think make objects float or sink as a class Collect 5 objects from around the room (waterproof) and from outside Have students write predictions in their notebooks about whether or not they will float or sink Discuss ways to keep water in the bucket and review what good and safe scientists do Students will then get into groups of 2-4 to test all of the objects in small buckets of water They will write their findings in their science notebooks
Day Three Discuss findings from the previous day. Ask if any students were surprised by their objects and which objects. Ask if students want to change anything about their original chart from day 2 about what makes objects sink or float Compare weight of given objects using balance provided. Have cards with the objects on it and have students organize them from lightest to heaviest.
Day Four Students will test all objects to see if they will float or sink and discuss any surprises. Discuss how to use a spring scale and safety precautions to take. Discuss units used. Weigh each of the objects to practice using the spring scale. Make a graph as a class about how much they weigh and discuss if their original lines were correct. Students will test all objects to see if they will float or sink and discuss any surprises.