Jean Pan, Protocol Lead, MOJN I&M Ecologist Donovan Craig, UNLV Invasives Cooperator Dana Robinson, MOJN I&M GIS Specialist Debbie Soukup, UNLV Soils Cooperator Leigh Ann Starcevich, Statistics Cooperator Nita Tallent, MOJN I&M Program Manager Bob Truitt, MOJN I&M Data Manager Integrated Uplands Protocol Progress 03/27/2012
7 vital signs Vegetation ◦ Upland shrub communities Soils Invasive species – Status & Trend ◦ Invasive species that are established, NOT still in the establishing phase ◦ Prioritized list of target species 2
3 Protocol Development Field Implementation PDS Sampling Plan Draft Narrative Draft SOPs Draft Submitted Draft Re-Submitted Protocol Approved Methods Selected Methods Field-Tested Pilot Data Acquired Full Field Season Data in Database Annual Report
4 Protocol Development Field Implementation PDS Sampling Plan Draft Narrative Draft SOPs Draft Submitted Draft Re-Submitted Protocol Approved Methods Selected Methods Field-Tested Pilot Data Acquired Full Field Season Data in Database Annual Report
ParkCommunitySpatial dataset from (year): Elevation (in feet)Acres DEVACreosote-mixed shrublandCentral Mojave Vegetation Map (2004) ,143 GRBASagebrush shrub steppeProvisional vegetation map (2011) 5300 – 11200*3,305** JOTRJoshua tree wooded allianceVegetation map (2010) 3200 – 4500*40,258** LAKECreosote-bursageLandfire (2006)1500 – ,419 MANZRabbitbrush-saltbrush shrub transition zone Vegetation map (2010) 3800 – 3900*181** MOJAJoshua tree wooded scrubland Central Mojave Vegetation Map (2004) 2600 – 6300*327,448 PARASagebrush shrub steppeAZ strip dataset (2007) ,806 5 *The elevation range here represents the selected elevation range for which the shrub community was specifically selected. **Acreage estimate is after parcels smaller than a macroplot (1 ha) were eliminated from the spatial distribution.
35 macroplots ◦ Spatially- balanced Vegetation Soils Invasive s ◦ Quadrat ◦ Patterned walk 6 9* 8* 7* 10* 11*12* 1* 2* 3* 6* 5*4*
PWR external reviews received (3/28/12) ◦ Spring, protocol reconciliation & approval Data Management/GIS ◦ Designed field forms, foundations of DB ◦ Developing SQL database, electronic field data entry system ◦ Veg. layers compiled for inference populations 7
Spring, pilot implementation Objectives ◦ Accuracy of park vegetation maps Are the selected sites part of the target vegetation community? ◦ Logistics Time to establish & measure macroplots Necessary field equipment ◦ Field methods Can the methods be implemented (e.g. will the methods work at each park?) Are the SOPs clear? How can the methods be improved? 8
7 parks – 2 to 5 macroplots Field sites selected – GRTS Research permits issued – 5 parks field sites close to roads LAKE 9
Mar : LAKE Apr. 2-20: DEVA Apr. 23-May 11: JOTR May 14-25: MOJA May 28-June 1: LAKE June 4-8: MOJA June 11-29: PARA July 9-27: GRBA July 30-Aug. 3: MANZ 10
Spring, 2012 ◦ Field crew lead – Michael Brewer Crew safety, logistics Backcountry travel plans, communications ◦ SCA crew recruited (2/27/12) 4 members training ◦ Botanist contractor 11
Safety training ◦ 1 st aid/wilderness 1 st aid, 4WD, Operational Leadership Orienteering ◦ Map/compass, GPS Data management Field training ◦ Site characterization, macroplot set-up, point-intercept, basal-canopy gaps, invasive quadrats, invasives site assessment, repeat photos, unknown plants ◦ Soils (contractor: Debbie Soukup) 12
Complete pilot – summer, 2012 ◦ DEVA – Apr. 3 1 st year implementation – fall, 2012, or
Alice Chung-MacCoubrey, Scott Newbold, & Burt Pendleton for providing the ground work for this protocol Vegetation Working Group (Jane Cipra, DEVA; Ben Roberts, GRBA; Josh Hoines, JOTR; Alice Newton, LAKE; Les Inafuku, MANZ; Neal Darby, MOJA; Jennifer Fox, PARA) for comments on the protocol, park logistics, field sites, and park permitting. ◦ Quarterly conference calls 16