Syllabus Talbot Middle School 8thGrade Science Syllabus Work Hard. Get Smart. Syllabus Talbot Middle School 8thGrade Science Syllabus Mrs. Bouchard ( Introduction: During this course, 8th graders will learn about various science topics and how those topics are relevant to their lives. Students will be encouraged to explore the topics thoroughly through discussion, debates, and writing. The skills and processes of inquiry and investigation will be a strong component of the class through the entire year. Students will be conducting controlled scientific investigations and field studies. Students will also apply their knowledge and skills to design solutions to meet real world challenges. I want this class to develop a mindset in the students that will help ensure their successes in the future. Our Goals: Every four weeks we will choose a goal for the class and track our progress on that goal. Middle School Science Classroom Expectations: 1.) Be Respectful 2.) Be Responsible 3.) Be Safe Consequences: 1.) Warning 2.) Conference with teacher 3.) Phone call home to schedule a detention *I may ask you to move to the take 5 space for a few minutes if I feel that you need a break from your environment. Hall Pass Rules: -You may not go to your locker during class. -If you need to use the restroom or get a drink, raise your hand during the work period only. -Do not leave class during first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes. -Only 1 person at a time Grading: 40% : Benchmarks, projects 30%: Small projects, quizzes, lab reports 15%: Homework 15%: Daily classwork 4: on time, prepared, put in 100% effort, participated using academic language 3: met three of the above criteria 2: met two of the above criteria 1: met one of the above criteria
Syllabus Science Supply List: Work Hard. Get Smart. Class Volume: 0 = Silent 1 = Whisper 2 = Normal Voices Science Supply List: 1.) Pencil or pen for daily work, labs, notes, tests 2.) 3 Ring Binder (at least 2”) to be used only for this class. This is not to be stored in the science room. 3). Tabs to separate your binder into sections (5) 4). Recommended: Zip pencil holder for your binder If you lose any of these items you are responsible for getting new ones right away. Be Prepared Every Day: You must have a pencil or pen, your science binder, and the homework due that day when you come into the room. I will not let you go to your locker to get something you forgot. If you do not have a pencil or pen, ask a neighbor first (quietly). If you still cannot find one, you may check the pencil cup. Due Date Policy: Homework is to be done at home and is due the next day (unless otherwise indicated). During Term 1, you will have 4 weeks before you can no longer turn in assignments. Any work that is copied from another student will result in a zero for the student who copied and the student who gave permission to copy. After the second time this happens, all parents of students involved will be called in for a meeting. During Term 2 it will be 3 weeks, 2 weeks for Term 3 and 1 week for Term 4. Please refer to the class website for any extra copies of assignments: After School Help: Help will be available after school several days a week. Please see the board for my schedule each week. I can be available at other times via personal email or phone request. How to get an A in this class: Of course it helps to do well on tests, but it is not the only way to get an A in this class. Try your best every day, do all of your work, and participate even if you are not sure what you have to say makes sense. It is not always about the “correct” answer, but more about the thought you put into the answer. How to Reach Me: Email is best! Or call Talbot: 508-675-8350
Please return this page to Science class: Work Hard. Get Smart. Please return this page to Science class: Student Name___________________________________________________ Parent Name____________________________________________________ Parents’ or Guardian’s phone #_________________________________________ Parent Email: _______________________________________________________ We have read and understand the 8th grade Science course expectations for science class: ______________________________ ____________________________ (student initials) (parent initials) Please come to our Parent Teacher Night on September 18th!! Call Talbot for more information 508-675-8350 Please indicate any notes or concerns for Mrs. Bouchard: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3