Typical C++ Environment and Library Introduction Speaker : Wei-Lu Lin Advisor : Ku-Yaw Chang 2012/10/14
Outline Typical C++ Environment Introduction C++ Library Introduction 2012/10/14 2
Typical C++ Environment Introduction Creating a Program Programmer creates program in the editor and stores it on disk. Preprocessing Preprocessor program processes the code. Compiling a C++ Program Compiler creates object code and stores it on disk. 2012/10/143 C++ program typically go through six phases:
Linking Linker links the object code with the library, creates an executable file and store it on disk. Loading Loader puts program in memory. Execution CPU takes each instruction and executes it, possibly storing new data values as the program executes. 2012/10/144 Typical C++ Environment Introduction
C++ Library Introduction.h -definition.cpp -implementation
.exe xyz.h xyz.lib Include 2012/10/146
The End 2012/10/148