Presented by: Name Month XX, 2012 Is It ADHD or Just Inattention? Insert logo of speaker’s organization Insert host logo Insert local partners’ logo
Portrait of a child with ADHD
Inattention Hyperactivity Impulsivity What Is ADHD?
Developmental Trends of ADHD Symptoms before 17 yo Impairment Inattention Hyper/Imp Age
Hyperactive/Impulsive Symptoms 1.Fidgeting and squirming 2.Running or climbing excessively 3.Trouble playing quietly 4.“On the go” or “driven by a motor” 5.Talking excessively 6.Blurting out answers 7.Trouble taking turns 8.Interrupting or intruding
Inattentive Symptoms 1.Making careless mistakes 2.Trouble paying attention to a task 3.Not listening 4.Not following instructions 5.Trouble organizing 6.Avoiding or disliking sustained effort 7.Losing things 8.Easily distracted 9.Forgetful
Overlap of Symptoms and Diagnoses ADHDAnxietyLDODD Attention Concentration Anxiety Sadness Opposition Fidgetiness Impulsivity Appetite Sleep
Co-occurring Disorders Oppositional defiant disorder Anxiety or mood disorders Learning disabilities Conduct disorder Tic disorders ½ of ADHD patients have > 2 diagnoses
ADHD and the Brain
The immediate effects of not treating ADHD Interferes with learning and social development Reduces instructional time in class Drains resources Maintains or exacerbates ADHD behaviors
The long-term consequences of not treating ADHD Untreated kids face: –Less schooling & poorer grades –Higher expulsion rates –Fewer friends –Lower self-esteem –Higher arrest rates –Lower occupational rank –Higher job termination rates –Riskier driving –More accidents
Treatment & Intervention Psychopharmacology Psychotherapy –Parent training Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Groups –School-based interventions Daily Report Card Para training –Organizational skills training
Daily Report Card
Unproved or untested treatments Play therapy or talk therapy Biofeedback Dietary changes, elimination diets Ginkgo biloba & other supplements Meditation Exercise Metronome Vision training Sensory integration therapy
Where to find help [Include your contact information] [Add information on resources in your area] Learn more about ADHD on
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