Copyright © 2015 United Launch Alliance, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ULA Rideshare Overview June 9, 2015 Chris Andrews Director, Strategic Planning & Business Development United Launch Alliance
June 2015 | 1ULA Rideshare ULA Rideshare Experience Operational ABCESPAP-POD MISSIONVEHICLE LAUNCH DATE RIDESHARE TYPE # OF RIDESHARE PAYLOADS RIDESHARE HARDWARE USED STP-1 (Orbital Express/ESPA)Atlas V 4013/8/2007Secondary4ESPA LRO/LCROSSAtlas V 4016/18/2009Secondary1ESPA NPP/ELaNa IIIDelta II /28/2011Secondary6Delta II P-POD NROL-36/OUTSatAtlas V 4019/13/2012Secondary11ABC NROL-39/GEMSatAtlas V 50112/5/2013Secondary12ABC AFSPC-4/ANGELSDelta IV M+(4,2)7/28/2014Secondary1ESPA SMAP/ELaNa XDelta II 73201/31/2015Secondary4Delta II P-POD AFSPC-5/ULTRASatAtlas V 5015/20/2015Secondary10ABC 49 UPCOMING ULA RIDESHARE LAUNCHES NROL-55/GRACEAtlas V Secondary13ABC InSight/MarCOAtlas V Secondary2ABC JPSS-1/ELaNaDelta II SecondaryTBD (Up to 9U)Delta II P-POD ICESat II/ELaNaDelta II SecondaryTBD (Up to 9U)Delta II P-POD
June 2015 | 2ULA Rideshare Rideshare – Opportunity or Responsibility? Does Market Exist? Does or Should the USG “be in charge”? Does Policy need to be developed? What is a credible path forward?
June 2015 | 3ULA Rideshare ULA is Committed to Rideshare ULA will continue to Support and Provide low-cost rideshare launch opportunities to the community
June 2015 | 4ULA Rideshare