L ILLI T AUBER Kindertransport Lesson School Year USA/Hungary/Poland Erica Washburn (USA)/ Natalia Baglyos (Hungary)/ Aleksandra Bura (Poland)
D ECEMBER G ETTING A CQUAINTED American students will write a three paragraph introduction letter attached with a photograph to the student they are partnering with in Europe (pen-pals). They will introduce themselves, where they live and what traditions they have in their country for Christmas. This will tie in the Christmas Around The World unit that the school in Charleston,SC does.
A PRIL L ESSON P LAN 1- Introduce primary source photograph (photo of Lili Tauber as a child) Students write one paragraph describing who they think she is and what her life was like. 2-Lilli Tauber Suitcase video. Students fold a piece of paper and label one side Lilli and the other Lilli's family and take notes on what life was like for each 3- Research kindertransport in computer lab. Students answer a series of questions.
4- students will be told that they are going to start an international cross-border project with their pen pals from Poland and Hungary. After analyzing Lilli Tauber's life, American students from Charleston, SC Take the role of a child during the kindertransport and describe what is happening at that time period and what thoughts, feelings and emotions they are having. Half the letters are sent to students in Hungary and the other half to Poland. Those students will respond to the letters as if they are the parents who are in Vienna. After the initial set of letters a second round will be sent. (from England and from the ghetto)
K INDERTRANSPORT P OSTER PROJECT Students will create a trifold as a final project to assess their understanding of the topic. The front will depict the family united before the separation. Photos, facts and quotes will be placed on the front. Once the trifold is opened, in the middle there will be general facts and photographs on the kindertransport. This section will divide the two opening flaps. The left flap will give information, photos and quotes from the Lili Tauber story. The right side will give information, photos and quotes from Lilli Tauber's parents.