Mental and Emotional Health By: David Cantwell and MacKenzie Sprout
InTASC STANDARD INTASC Standard #1: Learner Development The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. Description For this assignment, my partner and I were asked to create a lesson plan through PowerPoint that dealt with Mental and Emotional Health. After creating the PowerPoint, we were to prepare a 20 minute presentation where we talked about the different activities that were involved in our lesson, the materials needed to complete the lesson, student objectives, preparation, and finally the Indiana state and National Health Education Standards. Rationale In order to demonstrate our understanding of InTASC Standard #1: Learner Development, we chose to include our PowerPoint presentation on Mental and Emotional Health. Throughout this document we used various academic techniques to create a learning environment for students with varying developmental learning styles. In addition our lesson plan challenged our students to improve in their cognitive, social, and emotional areas of learning. I mastered this standard through learning and developing age appropriate and challenging activities.
Indiana and National Health Education Standard Standard 2 Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors. ● Describe how the family influences personal health behaviors. Standard 5 Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. ● Describe a health-related decision. Indiana Health
Student Objectives ●Increase knowledge about Stress ●Apply Stress Relieving Methods ●Analyze the Stressor and Influences ●Modify Behavior ●Evaluate and Improve Emotional Wellness
Equipment/Materials Needed ●Feelings Worksheet ●Test Anxiety - Person Outline ●Balloons ●Playdough ●Breathing Worksheet ●Crayons/Markers ●Pens
Preparation ●Plenty of balloons ●Plenty of play dough ●Worksheets printed off ●Youtube ready with video
Activities Description Section Introductory Activity: ●Talk about test anxiety/Stress ●Test Anxiety - Person Outline ● Lesson Activity: ●Discussion over what stress is and test anxiety o Feelings Worksheet ●Balloon/Play dough (stress ball) activity Closing Activity: ●Deep Breathing & Worksheet
Assessment of Activities ●Ask the students to be able to write what stress anxiety means to them and what they can do to prevent being stressed about school subject tests. ●Feelings Worksheet ○Identify stressful feelings and stressors ○Friends you can talk about your feelings with ○Ways to cope with your Stress
Accommodations/Success for all How to increase or modify difficulty? How to decrease difficulty? ●To increase difficulty I will make the stress reliever balloons bigger and more complicated to make, use more educated worksheets and larger terms for them to understand test anxiety. ●To decrease difficulty I can make the stress reliever balloons before class time and just pass them out to the students. I can also make the worksheets easier grade level and explain more about what stress anxiety really is.
Safety Concerns (if any) ●When making the stress reliever balloons, this could cause some safety issues with stretching the balloons and trying to fit the play dough into the balloon. This has to be done with the right age group.
Reference Page Gentry, L. (2013, May 3). Crozet School Counseling. Retrieved March 15, 2015, from Coping Skills: Strategies for Children and Teens - The Helpful Counselor. (2014, February 17). Retrieved March 15, 2015, from Parkhurst, A. (2014, January 1). Test Anxiety Groups - Sandy Ridge Elementary School Counseling. Retrieved March 15, 2015, from counseling/test-anxiety-groups counseling/test-anxiety-groups Turtle Lake Elementary. (2015, January 1). Let It Go (Testing Parody). Retrieved March 15, 2015, from Olson, Kelli. (2013). Mental and Emotional Health Activity Pages. TeachersPayTeachers. Retrieved March 17, 2015 from: