Matt H, 2010 Safety Captain, The Green Machine Team 1816
Safety Goggles Mechanical guards Gloves where needed Facemask No loose clothing Hair securely tied back Closed-toed shoes Ear protection
Get plenty of rest Caffeine is not a substitute for sleep Workspace should be clean, store tools in a safe location Don’t use a tool if you don’t know how to use it. Ask a mentor to teach you. Don’t hang around the pit or the workshop if you have nothing to do.
Never stick your hands in the robot while it’s turned on Make sure everyone stands back before you enable it Lift with your legs Keep your back straight Do not twist your body, turn with your feet Grip the robot in the proper location
Keep all your attention on the tools. Do not distract people who are using power tools. Don’t leave a machine on and unattended Turn off and unplug machines when done Only use tools you know how to use A mentor must be present for power tools to be operated Do not leave any hot tools or materials where people could accidently touch them, such as a drill bit, freshly cut metal, or soldering iron
Never use a broken tool, check to see if its in good condition Use a tool for what it is intended for Work on a worktable, not in the air or your hand Watch out for knifes and blades
Where is the fire extinguisher? Where is the first aid kit? Keep areas properly ventilated Emergency contact binder
Any battery that looks damaged is unsafe to use. The batteries contain sulfuric acid which will burn your skin on contact. Pick up batteries by the case, not the wires.
Buddy system Hotel curfew Cell-phones Private information is private!
No last name of students on the website Maintain proper adult to student ratio Background Checks