Main Objectives Fly Slow stick with group-designed camera to satisfy the following criteria: Endurance: ○ As many figure 8 paths around two pylons separated by 30’ in five minutes Precision Flight: ○ Survey an area in all directions and acquire a legible image of each of the four 1’ x 1’ targets
Gantt Chart Used to list goals and track progress Made using an Excel spreadsheet
Gantt Chart
Project Specifications The GWS Slow Stick fit our flight requirements: Has a fixed wing : wingspan of 1176-mm, length of 954-mm, wing area of dm2) Weighs less than 450-g: g Is capable of ground takeoff and landing Can fly in a 50’x30’x20’ indoor space with smooth floor Is recommended for non-experienced flyers Does not utilize any sort of open flame or combustion methods of propulsion
Project Specifications Must be able to fly without stopping and without any kind of recharge, for 5 minutes in duration We chose the recommended Lipo Battery Must have a 2.4 gigahertz transmission We chose the recommended 2.4 GHz Controller Must have enough thrust to fly: We choose a Dynam Brushless Motor for the propulsion system.
GWS Slow Stick Plane
Slow Stick Model
Slow Stick Drawing
Materials List
Building GWS Slow Stick Tail Assembly: Transparent tape was used to join the horizontal stabilizer and the elevator Leading Edge and Rudder was trimmed and joined together with tape Glue was used to attach the vertical fin to boom A washer and screw was used to affix the horizontal stabilizer in place.
Tail Assembly
Building GWS Slow Stick Wing Assembly: A 10 degree dihedral shape was achieved for the wing using a specialized plastic part This 10 degree angle was verified by a protractor
Building GWS Slow Stick Electronic Assembly: The motor and Electronic Speed Control (ESC) connectors were soldered together using a soldering iron
Soldering Leads Together
Building GWS Slow Stick Installation of Horn and Linkage and Final Assembly: The horn and linkage were applied and bent into shape using a pliers A Z Bend was made on the control horn to allow for field adjustment The battery, wing, and other electronics were fixed to their respective mounts with rubber bands
Tail Wheel
Horn Linkage
Camera Mount Specifications for the camera mount: The body-hole must be 1-cm x 1-cm to be able to mount to the GWS Slow Stick Fuselage. The camera-hole must be 73-mm x 20-mm x 11- mm to be able to hold the Micro DVR Camera.
Pro-Engineer Drawing Camera Mount
○ Designing camera mount: The camera mount was designed so that it had three holes: one to attach to the body of the GWS Slow Stick, the second to make the camera mount lighter so that the GWS Slow Stick would be within the weight requirements, and the third to allow the camera to slide into the holder. The camera mount was initially designed to face forward. After more analysis, the camera mount was redesigned so that the camera lens would be facing directly downward. This allows the GWS Slow Stick to fly directly over the targets since they are placed face up on the floor.
Camera Mount Placement of camera mount: To choose where to place the camera mount, several factors had to be weighed, such as view obstruction, center of gravity, and mobility. After multiple tests, it was determined that the best placement for the camera mount was between the motor and the main gear part because it provided the least view obstruction, the best center of gravity, and the best mobility.
Camera Mount
Balancing The GWS Slow Stick The Center of Gravity (CG) is normally located at mm from the leading edge of the wing at the central wing chord. Locating CG forward would make the plane more stable, and having the CG a little backward would make it more sensitive when applying throttle. Two index fingers were placed at the bottom of the wing to find out the location of CG. The airplane is balanced at the point of CG. The battery pack, the wing, and the mounts can be moved backward or forward to alter the CG.
Binding The Controller The transmitter was found to operate the elevator backward meaning that when you push up the elevator goes in the wrong direction. The transmitter was also operating the rudder backward meaning that when you push left the rudder goes in the wrong direction. After downloading the controller software from the internet ( the laptop was connected to the transmitter via a USB cable. Using the program, channels one and channel two were reversed so that the elevator and rudder were operating in the correct directions.
2.4 G Hz Radio Transmitter
Conclusion The GWS Slow Stick with the camera mount and a simulated weight was flown successfully.