2 What is C lass S cape ® ? An online classroom-based assessment system which: Helps teachers to achieve and maintain curriculum/instructional.


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Presentation transcript:

2 What is C lass S cape ® ? An online classroom-based assessment system which: Helps teachers to achieve and maintain curriculum/instructional alignment by providing quality assessment items based on all curricular objectives Assists teachers with identification of individual and class strengths and weaknesses on specific SCOS objectives

3 Provides teachers with a tool to… Self-assess instructional strategies Access real-time instructional feedback reports Monitor student progress on an ongoing basis Build custom tests with a rich item pool or access tests prepared by ClassScape Create a flexible assessment schedule for students The C lass S cape ® Advantage

4 Recommended for: Identification of individual and class strengths and weaknesses Maintenance of curriculum/instructional alignment Guidance for teachers in instructional decisions Monitoring of student progress C lass S cape ® Assessments Not recommended for:  Printing of items/paper-pencil testing  District-wide high-stakes summative testing  Prediction of future student performance on EOG/EOC assessments  Assignment of consequences based on student or teacher performance

5 Implementation Schedule Spring 2009 Grade 3 Math Reading Open-Ended Items Grade 4 Math Reading Open-Ended Items Grade 5Math (Pilot) Math Reading ScienceOpen-Ended Items Grade 6 Math Reading Open-Ended Items Grade 7 Math Reading Open-Ended Items Grade 8Math (Pilot) Math Reading Science Open-Ended Items Computer Skills High School Algebra I English I Biology US History Civics & Econ Open-Ended Items English Composition-Gr.10

6 C lass S cape ® Item Development Process 1. Item Entry 2. Preliminary Review 3. Item Produced and Edited 4. Item Proofed 5. Content Review 6. Content Comments Reconciled 7. Items Edited 8. EC/ESL Reviews 9. EC/ESL Comments Reconciled 10. Items Edited 11. Grammar Check 12. Items Edited 13. Item Record Check 14. Final Production Check 15. Final Project Manager Review 16. ClassScape System

7 Online Testing System Teachers select assessment composition Assemble tests from item database Use mastery tests provided by ClassScape Determine size and scope of assessments Students can attempt to demonstrate mastery of objective two times Large item pool to avoid overexposure Requesting demographic information to ensure quality as part of research and development

8 Tools for Students Tools and other features Formulas provided within question stems Full screen—web options hidden Ability to return to questions at end of assessment System saves answers if assessment is interrupted Accommodations Use of some accommodations available Items reviewed for EC/ESL considerations Tests and items use Universal Design Font easily expands to accommodate visually impaired May change answer threshold based on IEP

9 Sample Math Item

10 Sample Reading Item

11 Tools for Teachers Pre-Packaged Assessments Two Objective Quizzes per Objective (10 items) Custom Assessments Objective Quiz (10-20 items) Goal Scan (20-40 items) Custom Benchmark (30-50 items) Reports Basic Report by Class Student Assessment Report Assessment Report by School Class Performance Report Student Performance Report

12 Basic Report

13 School Report by Assessment

14 Student Assessment Report

15 Class Performance Report

16 Student Performance Report

17 Tools for Districts New for Fall 2008! District Benchmark Tool The District Level Benchmark Add-On is available to districts that purchase ClassScape for their entire LEA. District benchmarks can be created in all 19 ClassScape subjects. Additional features of the benchmark tool: bulk upload of all student data from an LEA into our system at one time view, edit and delete student information in our system create custom benchmarks in all subjects and grades using our custom assessment tool schedule benchmarks to specified schools and teachers view login activity by district, school and user view system usage including the number of assessment completions by district and school view benchmark assessment data including district, school, teacher, class and student performance on NC SCOS goals, objectives, and specific assessments view benchmark assessment data including district and school performance broken down by gender and ethnicity

18 District Benchmark Sample Report

19 C lass S cape ® Status Report: August 1, 2007 to May 20, ,000 assessments started 174,000 students registered 54,000 items in our database 400 schools enrolled 62 counties represented 32 counties w/4+ schools enrolled

20 LEAs Using C lass S cape ® in Alamance BurlingtonGatesNorthampton AlexanderGranvilleOnslow AlleghanyGuilfordOrange AsheHalifaxPamlico Asheboro City SchoolsHarnettPerquimans AveryHaywoodPublic Schools of Robeson County BertieIredell - StatesvilleRandolph BurkeJohnstonRiver Mill Academy CaldwellJonesRoanoke Rapids Graded School District CarteretLeeRockingham CatawbaLenoirRowan-Salisbury Charlotte-MecklenburgLincolnStokes Provisions Charter SchoolMartinSurry ChathamMcDowellThomasville City Schools ClevelandMitchellVance CumberlandMooreWake CurrituckMooresville Graded School DistrictWayne DavidsonMount Airy City SchoolsWeldon City Schools DavieNash-Rocky MountWilkes EdgecombeNew HanoverWinston-Salem/Forsyth FranklinNewton Conover City Schools

21 Annual Enrollment Fees for Participation Level Annual Fee per School Training Benchmark Add- On* Individual School$1,150$250 per schooln/a Multiple Schools within a District (4 or more) $1,050$250 per day $3,800 per district District-Wide$950 $250 per day per trainer Primary School (K-3)$350$250 per schooln/a Annual School Enrollment includes unlimited access to pre-packaged and customizable assessments in the following subjects: Grade 3 Math Grade 3 Reading Grade 4 Math Grade 4 Reading Grade 5 Math Grade 5 Reading Grade 5 Science Grade 6 Math Grade 6 Reading Grade 7 Math Grade 7 Reading Grade 8 Math Grade 8 Reading Grade 8 Science Algebra 1 English 1 Biology US History Civics and Economics Computer Skills

22 Professional Development and Training Opportunities Test Administrator/Leadership Training Basic User Training Data Analysis/Reports Training Advanced User Training District Level Benchmark Training

23 Minimum Technical Requirements Windows 98 or Mac OSX or better 1.0 GHz processor or better 256MB RAM Internet with 56 kps bandwidth or better per seat Up-to-date browser (tested w/ IE and Firefox) Javascript/cookies/site-specific popups enabled Monitor resolution of 800  600 or higher Proxy/firewalls must allow ClassScape server traffic Technical requirements are subject to change upon further evaluation.

24 Coming Attractions in ! Computer Skills online assessments! Open-Ended Items! District Benchmark Tool!

25 Contact Information Trish Martin, Program Manager (919) Phyllis Jernigan, Assistant Program Manager (919) Katie Dugan, Education Consultant- Math/Science (919) Help Desk: Website: classscape.ncsu.edu or Vicki Thomas, System Trainer (919) Jaime Dougherty, System Trainer (252) Cindy Privette, Education Consultant- ELA/SS (919)