Multiple Intelligences Copyright © 2005 The George Lucas Educational Foundation
Why Is This Theory Important? "With an understanding of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, teachers, school administrators, and parents can better understand the learners in their midst. They can allow students to safely explore and learn in many ways, and they can help students direct their own learning." --Anne Guignon, Education World
What Is An Intelligence? "An intelligence is the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings." --Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind
Multiple Intelligences linguistic logical mathematical spatial musical bodily kinesthetic naturalist interpersonal intrapersonal
7 Kinds of Smart word smart numbers smart pictures and images smart sound smart physical smart patterns in nature smart other people smart self smart
Key Learning Community
Meeting All Students' Needs "The crucial ingredient is a commitment to knowing the minds—the persons—of individual students. This means learning about each student's background, strengths, interests, preferences, anxieties, experiences, and goals, not to stereotype or to preordain but rather to ensure that educational decisions are made on the basis of an up-to-date profile of the student." --Howard Gardner, Intelligence Reframed
Listening Four Ways A conceptual framework for listening to teach: Listening to know particular students Listening to the class—the rhythm and balance of a classroom Listening for the context of students' lives Listening for silence and acts of silencing
Assessing Multiple Intelligences "We use an intelligence when we actively solve a problem or fashion a product valued in society." --Howard Gardner, Intelligence Reframed
What's Next? Read, write, and talk about MI theory and practice Go on site visits Attend conferences Participate in online discussions Start small