LEARN Primary Academy May 10, 2010
Agenda General Overview Productivity and Collaboration News and Information Social Bookmarking and Networking Other Web 2.0 Tools and Resources
Web 2.0: What is it? The Machine is Using Us
Productivity and Collaboration Google Docs: Google Docs Online documents, slideshows, spreadsheets and tools for soliciting feedback One document, many users and contributors (up to 10 users at the same time) Wikis: Wikis Collaborative site used for sharing documents, photos, links to Web sites, videos and any other electronic media Excellent for group projects and sharing information
News & Information Blogs A form of online journaling, term derived from “Web Logs” Bloggers share information/ideas and then allow readers to post comments and provide feedback RSS Feeds “Really Simple Syndication”- In other words, subscriptions to news and information (even blogs) Receive regular updates to your favorite sites and news sources in every way possible Aggregators A tool used to manage and organize all of the information coming in through RSS feeds Aggregators allow readers to view multiple points of interest in one customizable space
Social Bookmarking & Networking Social Bookmarking Internet users store, organize, search, and share bookmarks Through the use of “tags” users sort their bookmarks so they can be shared with others Social Networking Online communities set up for connecting with friends, colleagues and family (think six degrees of Kevin Bacon) The old adage “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” has never been more true!
Web 2.0 Greats! Pandora (Online music) Pandora Skype (Instant messaging and video chat) Skype Animoto (Online slideshow application) Animoto Jogtheweb (Webquest builder) Jogtheweb Picnik (Online photo editing) Picnik
Resources to get started… Google Docs (A short video explanation) Google Docs Google Docs (Help and tutorials) Google Docs Wikis (A short video explanation) Wikis Waystowiki.wikispaces.com (A great place to get started. Created just for teachers!) Waystowiki.wikispaces.com
Resources (continued) Blogs (A short video explanation) Blogs Blogging Resources (Check this out for classroom examples and an explanation of the various blogging programs) Blogging Resources RSS (A short video explanation) RSS RSS Resources (more videos and ideas for the classroom) RSS Resources Aggregators to use: Google Reader Netvibes
Resources (continued) Social Bookmarking (A short video explanation) Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking (More ideas and resources to explore) Social Bookmarking Social Networking (A short video explanation) Social Networking Social Networking (A wiki of educational social networking sites) Social Networking