Objectives At the end of this topic, students should be able to: Describe and explain the engineering design process Explain various tools in engineering design
“Design of a Safe Ladder” Questions that arise: How is the ladder to be used? How much should it cost? Should the ladder be portable? What does “safe” mean? What is the market for this ladder? How many steps are there on the ladder? Etc
Engineering Design Process Decomposing or “break down” the questions will lead into process tasks or sequence of steps (design tasks) This is done without using any mathematical models, engineering equations or engineering laws
Example: Question 1: How is the ladder to be used? How much should it cost? Clarifying the objectives set for the design
Example Question 2: Should the ladder be portable? How much can it cost? Establish user requirements for the design
Example Question 3: What does “safe” means? How much that the customer willing to pay? Identifying the constraints of the design
Example Question 4: Can the ladder lean against a supporting surface? Must the ladder support someone carrying something? Establish the design functions
Example Questions 5: How much weight should a safe ladder support? What is the “allowable load” on a step? How high should someone on the ladder be able to reach? What is the material of the ladder? Establish the design specifications
Example Question 6: Could the ladder be made of wood, aluminium or fiberglass? Generate design alternatives
Example Question 7: What is the maximum stress in a step supporting the “design load”? Does the ladder meet OSHA’s safety specification? Model, analyze, test and evaluate the design
Example Question 8: Is there a more economic design? Is there a more efficient design? Refine and optimize the design
Example Question 9: What information does the client need to fabricate the design? What is the justification for the design decisions that were made? Documents the completed design and its process
Conceptual Design Defined the characteristics of the product Three characteristics: Form – shape, size, materials and style Fit – comparing with the competitors’ product Function – performance, reliability, maintainability
Preliminary Design & Detailed Design Analyzing the single design solution or several alternatives design choices Using engineering formulations Stress analysis, flow analysis, heat transfer analysis Electrical and electronic analyses Working drawings, detail and assembly drawings Standard components, manufacturing notes and all dimensions and tolerances Refine and optimize the final design
Tools in engineering design CAD – Computer Aided Design AutoCAD, Solid Works, Pro/ Engineer, Catia, UG NX CAGD – Computer Aided Geometrical Design Alias, IronCAD, etc CAM – Computer Aided Manufacturing MasterCAM, Edge CAM, etc CAE – Computer Aided Engineering Analysis Ansys, Moldflow, Abacus, etc Gantt Chart – Design Project Scheduling
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