Vatican Council I An Assertion of the Pope’s Spiritual and Moral Authority
Vatican Council I Pope Pius IX called all bishops to Rome for Vatican Council I Remember: this is the Pope who saw the loss of the Papal states and the flood of new”Isms” He wants to cement the spiritual authority of the papacy The main question was the pope’s infallibility. Infallible=the pope is incapable of error when he officially ( Ex Cathedra, or “from the chair of Peter”) proclaims a doctrine of faith or morals.
Only 2 doctrines have actually been defined ex cathedra Immaculate Conception of Mary >Mary was free from original sin from the moment she was conceived. The Assumption of Mary >Mary’s body did not undergo bodily corruption after her death, but she was “assumed” into heaven
The Church Promotes Social Justice Remember the background: Capitalism, Marxism,the horrible conditions of industrialism Welfare societies,schools, hospitals for the working class Pope Leo XIII> Rerum Novarum =On the Condition of Workers >1891 Pope Leo XIII criticized both extreme socialism and extreme capitalism.
…social Justice Pope Leo XIII taught that Christianity emphasizes both the dignity of the human person and the common good. Defends the worker’s rights to fair wages Right to decent working conditions Right to trade unions Right to collective bargaining with management.