Computer Applications Mr. Kauzlarich CHS Room 138 Telephone: 641-856-0832 (voice mail) Mornings at CHS, Afternoons.


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Presentation transcript:

Computer Applications Mr. Kauzlarich CHS Room Telephone: (voice mail) Mornings at CHS, Afternoons at HJH Visit Mr. Kauzlarich’s CHS web page Daily assignments posted on web site. Daily announcements on white board Assignments, follow instructions, usually are put into the student file cabinet folder

INTRODUCTION Life skills and real world training. Prepare for the worlds of work, life. Respect for others and property. Basic computer skills. Proper effort by students. -Use “thinking” skills. -High expectations. -Prepared, adaptable. Spirit of the rules. Don’t “fold” textbooks. Protect binding.

DAILY PROCEDURES When the bell rings…. -Seated at your table. -Book, paper, pencil / pen, folder, etc. -Read assignments on whiteboard. -Prepared for class. -Assignments turned in as instructed to do -Tardy? Student handbook rules. -Stapler, is in the podium container. Extra pens/pencils, may be in the podium. -Follow green page instructions.

PASSES, EXCUSES… Only accepted on proper form: Handbook, Office white pass, Nurse pass, Teacher white pass, Pink pass. Pink pass: contact Mr. Kauzlarich as soon as you know about the future absence. Pink pass: contact Mr. Kauzlarich before class starts, on the day you will be leaving. Planned absence: Handbook rules, complete assignments before the absence

CLASS TIME Current business news & CHS topics All discussions; positive, germane, sources (newspaper, tv, radio, internet, etc.). Review: discuss previous lessons. Discussion: today’s assignment. Self study time: use the time wisely. Participation: student participation expected, be prepared, ask relevant questions, share experiences, three view points. In class assignments may have set finish time. Inappropriate behavior, language, side comments/ conversations will not be acceptable.

ASSIGNMENTS Due at start of today’s class, or other stated due date (usually to your file cabinet folder) or as instructed. Late assignments may not be accepted. If a late assignment is accepted, it may receive a reduced grade due to being late. If an assignment is not completed before the proper due time, contact Mr. Kauzlarich before the “due time”. Follow assignment instructions, also a full sheet of paper, legible, check spelling, etc.

ASSIGNMENTS Completeness: student is expected to properly & totally complete an assignment. Mr. Kauzlarich decides “completeness”. Absent, missed assignments, etc. Student is responsible to inquire about the assignments and to complete and turn in the assignments in an appropriate time. Follow-up is the student’s responsibility. Save all returned assignments, tests, instruction sheets, etc. for later use.

END OF PERIOD PROCEDURES Save computer input as needed. Properly close and store textbooks, file folders, etc. Straighten work area(s). Remain seated until Mr. Kauzlarich releases the entire class.

Classroom 138 Rules Food, drinks, candy, gum, water bottles, etc. are not allowed. Contact Mr. Kauzlarich, before class time, if you have questions. Clothing must be worn properly or stored away from the work area. Shoes must be kept on. Bags must be stored under the table areas. Hats, sunglasses, cell phones, music devices, are not allowed. (special events, teacher rules) Good hygiene, health care, posture, manners, etiquette, and behavior are expected.

COMPUTER RULES Don’t move computers, monitors, cords, etc. Gain teacher approval before “changing” any computer settings. No “Messing” with hardware or software. Input devices from home, friends, etc. are not permitted without permission. Permission is received by the teacher inserting the input device. Same rule applies to attachments. Students are to NEVER share a password with other students.

GRADING Total points basis; 90% + = A 80% + = B 70% + = C 60% + = D By not completing and turning in all assignments, student may not pass the class. Points may be lost for incorrect headers, improper “SaveAs”, and other acts of not following instructions or classroom rules.

EXTRA EFFORT Extra assistance may be available in room #138 from 7:35 to 8:05 a.m. * After school, 3:20 to 3:35 p.m. * *Make an appointment before coming in, to assure that Mr. Kauzlarich is available at your requested time. Probably can’t use room #138 during your study hall times.