Freedom of speech The right to offend?
1 Freedom of Speech Satire has been used in publishing for hundreds of years. Satire criticises people and organisations that influence society. Should people and organisations that influence society be satirised? Why? Should everything be satirised or are some subjects too sensitive (for example, starvation, handicapped people)?
2 Freedom of speech Discuss…
3 The right to offend? Recently terrorists murdered 12 people working for a satirical magazine called ‘Charlie Hebdo’ in Paris. The terrorists believed that this magazine had insulted their religion by publishing cartoon images (this is highly insulting to followers of this religion). The Pope has compared the Charlie Hebdo attack to feeling like he would punch someone who swore at his mother. Travelling to the Philippines he was asked about the recent attacks in France that left 20 people dead. He said that freedom of speech was a human right but that there were limits to offending and ridiculing other people’s beliefs. He told a French journalist: “If [his aide] Dr Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch. “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.” The Vatican and four top French imams have issued a statement denouncing the attacks while urging the media to treat religions with respect. Discuss…..
4 The right to offend The term ‘Je Suis Charlie’ or ‘I am Charlie’ was used by many people to show solidarity to Charlie Hebdo’s use of freedom of speech (the right to criticise and offend if necessary). One of the 12 victims was Ahmed Merabet, a French police officer who was shot and killed. His death prompted the hashtag #Jesuisahmed to trend on Twitter. Malek Merabet said "My brother was Muslim and he was killed by people who pretend to be Muslims. They are terrorists, that's it," he said. "I am Ahmed the dead cop. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so," said one tweet that was retweeted more than 17,000 times. Discuss the differences and similarities between the two banners and what they represent… The right to offend