IEEE 802.3bp 1000BASE-T1 PHY D1.1 Proposed changes to Figure 98-7
Proposed changes to Figure 98-7 This presentation is related to comment #92 on IEEE 802.3bp D1.1 Per the comment: The timing diagram shows "32-bit PRBS", but we don't transmit 32-bit PRBS data. We transmit a sync header (with a random polarity determined by an 8 bit pseudo-random number generator). Here is the current Figure as it appears in D1.1:
Proposed changes to Figure 98-3 Proposed Remedy: Replace the "32-bit PRBS text" with an actual timing diagram of the sync header The drawing below also numbers transition times to make it easier to verify (these can either be left in or removed in the draft). I also added indications of the time periods for the data bits (and CRC bits)