Cholla High Magnet School Open House August 22, 2013 "Every Student, Every Day, Charging Fearlessly Toward Academic and Personal Excellence"
Administration Mr. Frank Armenta, Principal Ms. Tara Bulleigh, Assistant Principal (Curriculum and Instruction) Mr. Tariq Rasool, Assistant Principal (Operations, Facilities, Athletics)
Cholla High Magnet School: Title I School-wide Plan
What is Title I? Federally funded program designed to help improve the academic experience of all students Schools receive assistance based on family income of enrolled students Cholla has a school-wide Title I program
The Plan Process Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment Use a comprehensive school-wide planning process Evaluate the plan for success
Budget Amount of funds allotted this year: $260,074 Funds used for the following personnel: Community Representative Instructional Tech Liaison 10 sections of Response to Intervention (Math) Two part-time Instructional Coaches English/Language Arts Math
Parent’s Rights under ESEA (Elementary/Secondary Education Act) Teacher Qualifications Non-Highly Qualified Teacher for four or more weeks Request opportunities to meet regularly with staff for parent involvement Participate in decisions affecting your child Review application for Title I and make suggestions
Goal: Improve Student Achievement READING: Cholla High School 10th grade students will demonstrate an increase in proficiency from 75.4% in spring to 86% on the spring AIMS reading test. MATH: Cholla High School 10th grade students will demonstrate an increase in proficiency from 41.6% in spring to 75% on the spring AIMS mathematics test. Other AYP indicators: Current graduation rate ( ): 82% Target graduation rate ( ): 100%
Strategies Strengthen curriculum and instruction for all students Research based instruction Supporting rigorous instruction Professional Development Professional Learning Communities Advanced Learning Experiences (IB, GATE, AP, AVID) Academic Intervention Team
Strategies Intervention program for struggling students Tier II Intervention courses Cholla After-school program(CAP)/Cholla summer school Saturday test prep program Professional development Provide student support services Create student graduation plan
Strategies Academic Family Engagement Create a Cholla Family Team Parent outreach systems Website Listserv Events Workshops Professional Development
Important Dates Cholla After-school Program (CAP) begins Tuesday, September 3 rd. Registration information available in the Commons. Site Council Meeting Monday, September 9 th at 6pm in Career Center Family University Saturday, September 21 st from 9am – 1pm For seniors and their family to learn about the college admission process. 5 th Annual Cholla Charger Army Fitness Challenge Saturday, September 28 th from 7am - noon.
Contact Frank, Armenta, Principal Isabel Valenzuela, Cholla Community Representative Lynn Strizich, Title I Specialist