Little Rock School District in consultation with the Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association Presents the Professional Development Model May 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Little Rock School District in consultation with the Little Rock Classroom Teachers Association Presents the Professional Development Model May 2008

Greetings Committee’s Charge New Vision for Professional Development Mr. Dennis Glasgow Senior Director of Curriculum Ms. Cathy Koehler LRCTA, President

Joint Professional Development Committee – Articles 30 & 37 Dr. Jeanne Huddle Dr. Lloyd Sain Suzi Davis Marion E. Woods Dennis Glasgow Malinda Johnson Charles West Faye Hanson Sharra Hampton Reva Blacknall Grainger Ledbetter

Presenters Dr. Lloyd Sain Marion Woods Dennis Glasgow

Purposes for Professional Development  To develop high quality professional development system for all administrators, teachers, and certified instructional support personnel;  To improve knowledge and skills in order to facilitate individual, school- wide improvements for the purpose of increasing student achievement. ADE Regulations

Approved Professional Development Must be based on the Improvement of student achievement on state criterion- referenced assessments and increasing student achievement and academic performance. Must be Research-based Related to content standards Continuous, job- embedded

Earning of Professional Development Hours June 1st thru May 31 st each school year. Rosters with agenda and other documents should be submitted within ten (10) days after the activity occurs. All needed forms are posted or will be posted on the Professional Development Homepage.

MANDATED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HOURS/ACTIVITIES No. of Hours Of Professional Development Required WhoFor What Reason AuthorityComments 60TeachersRequired per school year between June 1 and May 31 ACT 59 of 2003 and Rules Governing PD /05 A minimum of 6 hours of technology shall be included in the 60 hours 60AdministratorsRequired per school year between June 1 and May 31 ACT 59 of 2003 and Rules Governing PD /05 A minimum of 6 hours of technology shall be included in the 60 hours 2TeachersParent/ Guardian Involvement ACT 603 of 2003 (A.C.A. 6/15/1601) and Rules Governing PD /05 Shall be included in the 60 hours noted above 3AdministratorsParent/ Guardian Involvement ACT 603 of 2003 (A.C.A. 6/15/1601) and Rules Governing Prof. Dev /05 Shall be included in the 60 hours noted above 2Teachers of Arkansas History Arkansas History Act 2095 of 2005 and Rules Governing Prof. Dev /05 Shall be included in the 60 hours noted above As AppropriateAdministratorsLeadership, Fiscal, and Data Dis- aggregation ADE Rules Governing Prof. Dev Shall be included in the 60 hours noted above As AppropriateTeachers, Administrators and Classified Employees, Volunteers Student Discipline/ Classroom Management A.C.A Specific hours note mandated by Statute As AppropriateTeachers, Administrators Health and Physical Activity ACT 1220 of 2003Shall be included in the 60 hours noted above LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT

Arkansas Department of Education Requirements For Teachers Earn 60 hours a year with 6 hours in technology 2 hours in parental involvement 2 hours in AR History (K-5, & 7) For Administrators Earn 60 hours yearly with 6 hrs in technology 3 hrs in parental involvement strategies Hours in fiscal management, leadership, data dis- aggregation

LRSD DESIGNATED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYS Number of Day Specific DayType of Professional Development Number of Possible Hours Focus Area/Topics June 5, 2008Building-level1 hr meeting w/ principal to occur 1st hour of the day Content Day 1August 8Building-level6ACSIP/Data Disaggregation/PD Plan Day 2August Bldg-level ELEMENTARY 1 hr Principal Mtg 2 hrs in Parental Involvement 3 hrs in Ed. Tech Parental Invol. Ed. Tech Day 2August 11District-level SECONDARY 6Content Day 3August 12District-level ELEMENTARY 6Content Day 3August Bldg-level SECONDARY 1 hr Principal Mtg 2 hrs in Parental Involvement 3 hrs in Ed. Tech Parental Involv. Ed Tech Day 4August 13Building-level*6 hrs – optional Submit Act 1185 or Waiver Form Curricular Planning Day 5August 14Building-level6 hrs ELEMENTARY 2 hr Principal Mtg 1 hrs AR History SECONDARY 3 hr Principal Mtg ________________ * 3 hrs – Optional w/ Act 1185 or waiver Submit Act 1185 or Waiver Form AR History and/or Curricular Planning Day 6 – AEA DayNovember 13District-level6K-12 Content Day 7 – AEA DayNovember 14District-level6K-12 Content Day 8January 16Building-level1 hr AR History to occur first hour of the work day AR History Day 9February 23District-level6K-12 Content Sub total Hours50 hours minimum Contractual & After- school Meetings for Professional Development During the year PNA, Article 24 and Article 32 Building-level30 hrs – Secondary 43 hrs – Elementary Total80 hrs –Secondary 93 hrs – Elementary *Nine hours via Act 1185 are at the discretion of the teacher or may be substituted with previous hours earned. *Only submit rosters with agendas for the above days and/or meetings to the Professional Development Department.

Required Professional Development Days  Friday, August 8, 2008 – 6 hrs (Day 1) Building-level PD that focuses on ACSIP, Professional Development Plans, and Data Disaggregation

Required Professional Development Days  Monday, August 11, 2008 (Day 2) District-level PD for Secondary Teachers – 6 hours Elementary teachers will remain in building and will receive 3 hours in educational technology 2 hours in parental involvement 1 hour at Principal Meeting

Required Professional Development Days  Tuesday, August 12 th (Day 3) District-level PD for Elementary Secondary teachers will remain in building and will receive 2 hours in parental involvement 3 hours in educational technology 1 hour in a focused or Principal Meeting

Required Professional Development Days August 13, 2008 – 6 hours (Day 4) Teachers can earn 6 hours under Act 1185 of 2005 for curricular and instructional activities. August 14, 2008 – 6 hours (Day 5) Teachers can earn 3 hours under Act 1185 of 2005 for curricular and instructional activities. 3 hours – Principals’ Meeting

Required Professional Development Days November 13 th (Day 6) 6 hrs (AEA Day) November 14 th (Day 7) 6 hrs (AEA Day)  January 16, 2009 (Day 8) 1 hr in AR History February 6, 2009 (Day 9) 6 hrs District-level PD June 6, 2008 – 1 hr Minimum of 50 job-embedded hours can be earned on these designated days.

Act 1185 of 2005 This Act allows teachers to earn up to twelve (12) hours of professional development credit approved by the district/school which may be applied toward the 60 hours of PD. *See PD Homepage for form. These hours are earned at the beginning of each school year (August 13-14, 2008) where teachers use the time to plan and prepare curriculum or develop instructional materials. The principal MUST approve the activity.

Some Approved Activities for Act 1185 & General PD Activities Instructional planning teams Analyzing student data Developing assessments Professional book studies Developing ACSIP/AIPs/IEPs Developing student- centered units/lessons tied to standards Developing interventions strategies Revising curriculum maps Professional Growth Plan Activities

After-school PD Opportunities (Articles 32) Elementary – After school One regularly scheduled faculty meeting One elementary meeting per month Two elementary grade level meetings a year Five general staff meetings called by Supt or designee

After-school PD Opportunities (Articles 32) Secondary (After-school) Seven meetings per year Five general staff meetings called by the Superintendent or designee

Contractual Time for Professional Development (Article 24) Elementary Level Two (2) monthly meetings not to exceed 60 minutes for PD  Secondary Level Two (2) monthly meetings not to exceed 50 or 60 minutes for PD

Professional Development Hours: Job Embedded Elementary Designated days 50 Contractual/After 43 School ____ Total hrs 93 Secondary Designated days 50 Contractual/ 30 After-school ____ Total hrs 80

Professional Development Waiver Form All waivers must have PRIOR approval from building principal. Attach documentation to the form. Possible professional development hours for waiver school year. Monday, August 11, 2008 (2-5 hours-Elementary) Wednesday, August 13, 2008 (6 hours) or Tuesday, August 12, 2008 (3 hours -Secondary) Thursday, August 14, 2008 ( 3 hours) Teacher’s Name_________________________________________________________________ School ________________________________________________________________________ Name of Workshop/Training_______________________________________________________ Location of training______________________________________________________________ Date of training__________________________Times:__________________________________ Description of how this training addresses your school’s ACSIP Plan ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please list the date, the number of hours, and the substitute workshop you are requesting to waive attendance : ___________________________________________________________________ Date Hours Workshop You must submit a separate waiver form for each workshop/training. Please submit waiver 2 days prior to the workshop to be considered for waiver. ____Approved ____Not Approved Principal Signature_________________________________ Date_______________________ Central Office Signature____________________________ Date_______________________

Waiver Request Dates and Qualifications  August 11 th or August 12 th (2 - 5 hours)  August 13 th ( 6 hrs)  August 14 th (3 hrs) Be aligned with the school’s ACSIP; Be an activity external of the regular/contractual day Be administered by an approved ADE provider; Cannot be supported by federal dollars

Waiver Request Process Waiver Form must be completed and submitted two (2) days prior to the designated and required PD day and/or activity to the principal or supervisor. Why a waiver? Hours have been earned this summer in required focus areas. Allows teachers to substitute hours earned in other focus areas.

Salary Credit Notation Teachers are still eligible to earn salary credit for an approved professional through the submission of the “Salary Request Form.” The Form can be found on our Professional Development Homepage under Forms.

Summer Workshops How will they count? District-sponsored, summer workshops will be entered in the system for those who attend and may be used to waive out of hours in August. Complete the waiver form and submit to your principal only. Non-district or out-of- district summer workshops will be kept by the teacher and will only be entered into the system if the teacher submits the hours for a waiver or make-up hours. Some exceptions may apply, such as salary credit.

Frequently Asked Questions The Professional Development Department will prepare a Frequently Asked Questions document and post to their website. Please review the FAQ for other questions and answers.