THE LFS REVIEW in the context of Eurostat programme for modernising social micro-data collections Anne CLEMENCEAU - Eurostat 9th Workshop on Labour Force Survey Methodology Rome, 15th and 16th of May 2014
Modernisation of social statistics in Eurostat: scope
Social micro-data collections: current situation
1.Review of the content of the micro-data collections 2.Modularisation of European social surveys 3.Standardisation of variables 4. Sampling frames 5.Multi-mode data collections 6.Target structure for an integrated system The Eurostat modernisation programme: 6 components
Target infrastructure for an integrated system
Component 1: Review of the core and system of ad-hoc modules Component 2: 22 modules defined + Methodological changes (infra-annual rotational pattern; harmonised measurement of flows; precision requirements; non-response) + Operational definitions of employment, unemployment (model questionnaires also for working time) + Timeliness The LFS review
One single legal framework for the Integrated System of Social micro-data collections Mid-2016: Adoption of the Commission proposal 2019: Adoption of the FR and implementing provisions 2020: First year of implementation The integrated system: legal framework
The LFS in this legal framework ContentTiming Package 1 (Framework Regulation) List of topics Precision requirements Timeliness Modularisation/sub-sampling SAM/quality reporting/use of adm data/collection modes End of 2014 Package 2 (Delegated Act and implementing measure) List of modules/variables Operational definition of employment/unemployment End of 2015 Package 3 (outside legal framework) Model questionnaires (empl/unempl/working time) Production of flow estimates Harmonisation of variables / explanatory notes/non-response indicators End 2016/Beg 2017
Holistic and coherent approach for the streamlining of all social micro- data collections Target structure for an integrated system of social micro-data collections → Increase of efficiency and responsiveness to users’ needs Conclusion
Floor is open for discussion