Positive Effects of Softball By Katelyn McLamb Positive Effects of Softball
Thesis Statement Softball has a positive effect on teenage girls because it helps you stay fit, keep disciplined, and gives you the benefits of having a second family.
1st Body Paragraph Softball can keep you fit and healthy. At 384 burned per hour, a softball game is and excellent way to stay, lean, bulk up, and maintain a sharp and agile mind (Gym and fitness clubs). Softball also has long-term health benefits with a reduced chance of developing osteoporosis, as well as breast cancer later in life.
2nd Body Paragraph Softball helps to discipline you in many different ways. Working with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals is great practice for the real world, where teaming up with others to meet goals is key to success (Wikipedia). We all have many other interests and responsibilities, but you must train your mind and make the time to do your softball related homework as well as your school work (Angelfire).
3rd Body Paragraph Softball provides you with almost a second family to get help from, or encouragement. Being on a softball team allows you to meet many new people and make more friends, like the people on your team and also the people on the team you okay against (Wikipedia Social Benefits) It is a great way to relieve stress and fight depression. Plus, when you are on a team you have friends who support you both on and off the field (Gym and Fitness clubs).
Conclusion Paragraph When teenage girls or just girls in general get involved in softball it’s not only something to do, but something that can positively effect girls’ lives in many ways. Like keeping girls fit and healthy, giving girls discipline, and help girls meet people that girls can become life long friends with.