What keywords are Terma Labs going after?
What are they doing to add new content Used to write blog posts but haven’t in a year
Adding new events on a monthly bases. What are they doing to add new content
Do they have a blogging strategy? If so, what do you think it is? They did have a blogging strategy as you can see last year they used to blog twice a week but this was over a year ago.
I looked on Google ad words to see what key words they competitor ( apsware.com) are using the they are not. I got the following 10 from that. apsware.com 10 keywords that they should be using
They have the main social media account but are not active. Twitter, they haven’t tweeted in a number of months. When they did Twitter it was just to permute the offering or to they our blog/ events page with links Are they engaged in social media? If so, how?
Facebook wasn’t used well with only links being used on the page. There was no engagement on the page apart from these links. They also haven’t posted since April. Are they engaged in social media? If so, how?
Monitoring Are they engaged in social media? If so, how?
What else are they doing to promote themselves online? Free Whitepaper CTA’s with free demo’s
1.Start writing a blog again on industry topics. Not promoting the company with more creative titles to help SEO 2.Start using social media to connect and engage with potential leads 3.Start targeting keywords with less competition. Currently they are using some of the top keywords in their industry. 4.Clearer offering on they website. It's confusing was their products are. 5.Get rid of the image slider on the front- page Five recommendations to improve online presence
Social Media