Bell Ringer Discuss your reaction to the following quote “talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence wins championships”- Micheal Jordan.
You Gotta Be a Team Player The value of teamwork is explored
Teamwork The good working relationship among employees resulting from combined support, leadership, and cooperation. You can do more with a team than individually. Businesses rely on teamwork.
When working in a team Agreement- commitment made by a person or a group of people May not always be your first choice but you have to get on board or get left behind. Consensus: Collective agreement reached by all members of the team. Rarely happens- lots of opinions Seeks the consent of all participants
Productivity The more effective and efficient the team members work together, the more likely they are to achieve the desired goal for the business. Must work together to increase productivity Must know your role- you won’t always be the leader! Effective teams achieve more than individuals.
All teams must have a leader! What is a Leader? The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. A person followed by others. Common leadership styles include: Autocratic leadership. Bureaucratic leadership. Charismatic leadership. Democratic/participative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership. Servant leadership. Task-oriented leadership. Transformational leadership.
Autocratic Leadership All power held by leader Dictates what people can and cannot do No one has say except the leader DICTATOR Best used During crises Unskilled jobs
Bureaucratic Leadership By the book leaders Similar to autocratic in the sense of control and attention to detail Follow rules rigorously and ensure that people follow procedure precisely. Appropriate at risky jobs Working with machinery Toxic substance Primary difference is autocratic has 1 dominating individual and bureaucratic can be adapted to a group of leaders
Charismatic Leadership Energetic and enthusiastic leadership Charismatic leaders downfall is that they think they do no wrong and are hesitant to change. Pitch Perfect Movie
Democratic Leadership Leader make final decision but everyone has a say so. Encourage creativity and engagement Sometimes hard to get team to come to a consensus- hinder speed and efficency.
Laissez-Faire Leadership French Phrase “leave it be” Leaders allow people to do own work with little monitoring, if any. Teams have complete freedom Teams are happy but normally not productive, lack time management, etc. Lay say fair
People Oriented Leadership Organize, support, and develop your team members Focus on building relationships in teams, less on accomplishing tasks Normally good team work and collaboration. Less productivity
Servant Leadership Lead by example leaders High integrity and lead with generosity Creates a positive corporate culture and high morale among employees servant leaders can achieve power because of their values, ideals, and ethics Form of democratic leader Whole team involved Most practical in politics or where leaders are elected.
Task Oriented leadership style Focus on getting job done, only on tasks Can be autocratic (dictator) Normally will meet deadlines Don’t think much about teams well being- lower motivation among team members
Transformational Leadership BEST IN BUSINESS Expect the best from everyone High productivity and engagement of team members Support team members and encouraging of all
Leadership Leadership is NOT one size fits all You must adapt depending on the team or situation.
Team Building/Leadership Activity Lost at Sea