AEE 101 Foundations in Leadership
What is Leadership?
Leadership Defined… Capacity to lead (Merriam-Webster) Quality of character and personality proving a person the ability to gain confidence and leader others (Webster’s) Process of social influence in which we can enlist the support of others to accomplish a common task (Wiki)
Our Definition of Leadership The action of leading a group of people to accomplish a common task or goal
Types of Leadership There are several types of leadership - Traits and characteristics certain leaders poses We will focus on 10 types of leadership - Most common types of leadership
Autocratic Leadership - Leader exerts high levels of power over his/her team Bureaucratic Leadership - Leaders “work by the books” Charismatic Leadership - Leader highly enthusiastic, could believe more in his/herself and less in the team
Participative Leadership - Decision making process is a team effort Laissez-faire Leadership - “Let them do” People-oriented Leadership - Leader focused on the support and development of the team
Servant Leadership - Leading by virtue to meet your teams needs Task-oriented Leadership - Leader focuses on getting the job done Transactional Leadership - “Management by exception” Transformational Leadership - Leader inspiring his/her team with a shared vision of the future
In Conclusion Like its’ types, Leadership has several definitions - However, we will only focus on one Leadership defined by leader’s actions and ability to lead his/her team towards a common goal or task - Types of LEADERSHIP?
For Next Week Research a leader (any public figure) that meets each one of the types of leadership discussed in class - Be sure print out his/her picture and bring it with you to class Each pictures worth 10 points
References Retrieved April 14, 2013 from Wiki: Vector Study. Types of Leadership. topics/types-of-leadership topics/types-of-leadership Merriam-Webster Webster Dictionary.