Gender Audit Ali Hanbury Halton Youth Service
Girls’ Work Network NWRYWU Anti-Sexist / Feminist Approach
Quality Assurance Internal Inspections Best Practise Examples
Gender audits are a tool designed to evaluate your provision with regard to the gender representation within youth work projects. The results are intended to highlight the balance or imbalance of resources, time, staffing and nature of activities and projects offered to, and engaging, young women and young men.
Activity Resources Used Duration Gender split of YP and staff
“After several months of working with the young women in the club, encouraging them to voice their opinions and to fight for their turn on the activities, the gender audit highlighted the fact that our hard work has paid off; what we now see is a fair split of young women and young men in the centre and that the activities they are taking part in are not stereotypical” - Paula
Thank you. Any questions? Ali Hanbury Halton Youth Service