Presented at AAS meeting, Washington DC Jan 2010 Laboratory Spectroscopy in Herschel/PACS Range of Astrophysically Important Minerals Tatiana Brusentsova, Doug Maukonen, Pedro Figueiredo, Himanshu Saxena, Robert E. Peale Andy Nissinboim, Joseph Boesenberg, Julie Leibold, Kristen Sherman George E. Harlow , Denton Ebel Karl Hibbitts and Carey Lisse
Astro-relevant minerals high-T (>1000K) predictions from condensation calculations minerals found in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites minerals interpreted from Spitzer/Deep Impact spectrum, found in Stardust samples and in IDPs minerals found in differentiated meteorites and planets minerals reported in astronomical spectroscopy
Lab measurements support PACS data analysis Thermal emission: 4 p c k(w) e0(w) dw e0(w) = Planck function k = (S/m) ln (1/T) = mass absorption coef. S = sample cross-section m = mass in sample T = transmittance spectrum
Physical Characterization Select grains from AMNH mineral collection Crush to separate intergrowths Sweep magnetic impurities Dissolve carbonate impurities in HCl (acid) Hand pick clean grains Verify crystallography (single crystal x-ray) Electron microprobe on single grains Chemical composition Cation stoichiometry
Pellet preparation and spectroscopy cerussite Make dust micronizing mill Stokes settling grain size distribution Weigh and mix in polyethylene powder Melt press to pellets Fourier transform spectrometer: 14-250 microns 20 microns
Disseminate results Planetary Data System, Cross-referenced Curation of all samples at AMNH Samples Pellets All data
Carbonates: Calcite & Dolomite group Spitzer PACS Spitzer PACS The lines in the PACS range within the same mineral group directly depend on the mineral species
Hydroxyl-containing, acid- and hydrated Carbonates: Spitzer PACS Spitzer PACS
Phyllosilicates (micas) PACS
Feldspars Spitzer Spitzer PACS PACS both Plagioclase- (Albite-Anorthite) and Alkali- (Albite-Orthoclase) solid solution series were examined
Sulfides: PACS
The effect of smaller particle size: The increase of mass absorption coefficient values for the samples with smaller mean particle size
Temperature dependence Icy dust
150 Minerals Sampled Nesosilicates: Olivines, Garnets, Phenakites Silica minerals Inosilicates: Pyroxenes (Clino- and Ortho-), “Pyroxenoids” Feldspars: Alkali and Plagioclase Double-chain silicates: Amphiboles (Orthorhombic, Calcic clino-) Cyclosilicates Carbonates: Calcites, Aragonites, Dolomites, hydroxylated, Hydrated-normal, acid Phyllosilicates: Smectites, Chlorites, Micas, Kaolinites, Serpentines, Talcs Sorosilicates Oxides Sulfides
Applications Early PACS report: 69 mm feature “due to olivine.” True? We find no olivine feature there. Simulation of dust emission spectrum Linear superposition of absorbance for (e.g.) 38% water ice, 22% forsterite, 22% orthopyroxene (Mg-rich end member), 8% pyrrohtite, 5% talc or nontronite, 2.5% magnesite, and 2.5% siderite
Summary Laboratory far-IR absorption spectroscopy of 150 well-characterized minerals Spectral signatures found in the range of Herschel-PACS for 40 No features ever found beyond ~140 mm Funding: NASA-JPL