Fiber-wireless access network 指導教授:吳和庭教授 報告:江昀庭 2012/10/31 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Fiber-wireless access network 指導教授:吳和庭教授 報告:江昀庭 2012/10/31 1

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 2

Introduction 3

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 4

Passive Optical Network (PON) 5

 Optical line terminal (OLT)  Optical network units (ONUs) or Optical network terminals (ONTs)  Use broadcast on Downstream  Use TDMA on Upstream  All ONUs register to OLT with LLID 6

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 7

EPON  REPORT and GATE message  REPORT  ONU to report its bandwidth requirements  OLT passes REPORT to the DBA algorithm  GATE  After executing DBA algorithm, OLT transmits GATE down-stream to issue up to four transmission grants to ONU  Transmission start time  Transmission length  Timestamp (used by ONU for synchronization) 8

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 9

Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT)  OLT maintain a Table with Byte and RTT  First grant, G(1), is set to some arbitrary value  In polling cycle n, ONU measures its backlog in bytes at end of current upstream data transmission & piggybacks the reported queue size, Q(n), at end of G(n)  Q(n) used by OLT to determine next grant G(n+1) => adaptive cycle time & dynamic bandwidth allocation  If Q(n)=0, OLT issues zero-byte grant to let ONU report its backlog for next grant 10


Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 12

Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation  Fixed service  OLT issues each ONU grant of size MTW => constant cycle time & static bandwidth allocation  Limited service  OLT grants requested number of bytes, but no more than MTW  Credit service  OLT grants requested number of bytes plus either constant credit or credit proportional to request  Elastic service  OLT grants an aggregate maximum of N MTWs to N ONUs, possibly allocating it to single backlogged ONU 13

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 14

Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Purpose to increase bandwidth for wireless users.  Using Optical backbone and Wireless at endpoint(terminal) i.e WIMAX, LTE, LTE-A  Communication by radio signal. It will use wireless protocol to transmit data. 15

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 16

Radio over Fiber  In order to using wireless protocol, we need Radio over Fiber(RoF) on network.  It consist of Base station(BS) and Control station(CS)  BS change signal from wireless to optical, vice versa.  CS = modulation + demodulation + coding + routing 17

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 18

Power saving on Fiwi  Minimize the number of active ONUs.  As possible as using recently wireless link.  Maximize the number of sleeping ONUs. 19

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 20

Challenge  We need to consider the following points:  WOBAN topology can provide several redundant paths for a packet to reach its destination  Traffic load variation during different hours of the day. Thus, we can selectively put some nodes to a low-power (sleep) state during low-load hours, thereby reducing network power consumption  How to put an ONU to Sleep State  Need Mathematical Model to handle the traffic flow between a source–destination pair 21

Outline  Introduction  Optical-Fiber Network  Passive Optical Network (PON)  EPON Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)  Fiber-wireless access network(Fiwi)  Radio over Fiber  Power saving on Fiwi  Challenge  Conclusion 22

Conclusion  Fiwi provides high bandwidth network but there has some problem to discuss  How to design an architecture  How to make balance between Fiber deployment cost and power saving  How to put an ONU to sleep (… DBA?)  How to select the wireless protocol 23

Reference [1] Burak Kantarci, Mazen Khair, Hussein T. Mouftah “Power Saving Cluster for Energy-efficient,” IEEE 2010 [2] Pulak Chowdhury, Student Member, IEEE, Massimo Tornatore, Suman Sarkar, and Biswanath Mukherjee “Building a Green Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network (WOBAN),” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 28, NO. 16, AUGUST 15, 2010 [3] Klaus Petermann, Adam Wolisz and Ralf Lehnert “Radio over Fiber based Network Architecture,” Berlin 2005 [4] Glen Kramer and Biswanath Mukherjee “IPACT: A Dynamic Protocol for an Ethernet PON (EPON),” IEEE Communications Magazine, February

Thanks for your listening To be continuous… 25

AnySee  AnySee 是華中科技大學自主設計研發的視頻直播系統  AnySee 具有如下優點 (1) 採用一對多的模式,提高了系統的可擴展性 (2) 處理結點異構性。服務於不同操作系統、不同硬體性能、 不同頻寬的結點 (3) 利用 Landmark 路標算法實現近播思想,降低了系統負載 和復雜度,提高了 QoS 和系統的可用性 (4) 解決了某些結點因為 NAT 或者防火牆而無法享受服務的 問題,擴大了系統的可擴展性 26

AnySee- 系統架構  AnySee 系統由五個部分組成: a) Broadcaster b) Peer c) Encoder Server d) YPS(Yellow Page Server) e) LS(Log Server) 。 27

AnySee- 系統架構圖 28

AnySee 系統實現的三個關鍵技術  應用層組播( Application-Level Multicast , ALM )  Landmark 路標算法  數據緩衝區管理機制 29