Anil Thomas Asst. Executive. Engineer Southern Regional Power Committee Central Electricity Authority
Plant Availability Factor of ISGS. Percentage of Allocated Capacity Share. Share of Beneficiaries in ISGS. Misdeclaration of Declared Capacity. Ratio of Fees of SRLDC to be Shared. Ratio in which Transmission Charges to be Shared. Energy Scheduled to the Beneficiaries from ISGS. Details of Scheduled Energy Wheeled to Other Region. Details of Short Term Open Access. Details of Short Term Open Access Through Power Exchange. Details of Wheeling Charges.
PAF-: The Average of the Daily Declared Capacities for all the Days during that period expressed as a percentage of the Installed Capacity in MW reduced by the Normative Auxiliary Consumption. PAFM/PAFY=10000* DC/(N*IC*(100-AUX) )%
TARIFFFixed Cost Return on Equity + O&M + Sec Fuel Cost Interest + Depreciation Running Cost Primary Fuel + O&M
Allocated Capacity Share – Gadgill Formula. Un Allocated Share (15%)
Weighted Average of Percentage Allocation Capacity Decides the Ratio in Which Fixed Capacity Charges is to be share by Beneficiaries.
Ratio in Which SRLDC fees are shared is based on Weighted Average of Total Entitlement of a Beneficiaries with Different ISGS and LTOA
Postage Stamp Method- Based on Entitlement. Point of Connection Method- Based on Hybrid Method ( from )
Running Charges of a Station Recovered through Scheduled Energy. Concept of Un-Requisition Energy (URS Power). Concept of Unscheduled Interchange.
From Goa SR-Goa WR From ER-WR Via SR. Jeypore - Gajuwaka (ER) Bhadravati - Chandrapur (WR)
Short Term Open Access. Short Term Open Access through Power Exchange PXI & IEX.
ISGS Embedded in State Transmission network KAPS & MAPS. State Transmission network Connecting Different States.
Declared Capacity Requisition Schedule Drawl Losses Frequency Least count of 0.02 Hz Freq= 49+Code/50 UI De incentive UI Capped UI (4.08 ps/kwh) Capping Under APM (4.08 ps/kwh) Additional UI ( )( )
No Generators Involved. Penalty for injecting Reactive Energy at 103% of Voltage Level and Incentive for Drawing. Penalty for drawing Reactive Energy at 97% of Voltage level and Incentive for Injecting Reactive charges Rs 10/MVARH. Payment for Interstate Lines.